《2024 年建造業議會慈善月曆》訂購表格

2024 CIC Charity Calendar Order Form

座枱月曆 Monthly Calendar

所有收益扣除印刷成本將全數用作支持建造業運動及義工計劃 (CISVP) 主辦的建造業魯班飯行動,派發熱飯盒予弱勢社群。
Proceeds after deducting related costs will be contributed to the Construction Industry Sports and Volunteering Programme (CISVP)'s Construction Industry Lo Pan Rice Campaign, distributing hot meal boxes to disadvantaged groups.

每本HK$68 (HK$68 each)



HK$10 discount for each calendar will be offered for bulk order of 10 or more pcs.

總計Total HK

請細閱訂購表格底部之條款及細則。訂單一經接受及處理,即表示 閣下同意並完全了解所有條款。

Please read the terms and conditions at the bottom of this order form carefully. Once your order has been accepted and processed, it indicates that you agree and fully understand all terms.
訂購資料 (請用正楷填寫) Order Information (Please complete in block letters)
Name of Contact Person
Delivery Address
E-mail Address
Tel. No.

付款方式 Payment Method
信用卡 Credit Card
1 以下條款成爲閣下與建造業議會(及/或其關聯人)(‘議會’)之間的協議的一部分,而議會將根據該協議為閣下提供個別貨品及/或服務(‘貨品或服務’)。閣下如按一下“下一步”鍵,即確認同意本條款。
2 在按以下的“下一步”鍵後,閣下將會被轉接至由Global Payment Inc. ("Global Payment Inc.")管理的一個網頁,而Global Payment Inc. 為處理信用卡付款的第三方付款處理商。議會不會監察Global Payment Inc. 管理的任何網頁或電腦程式或對其有任何控制權或意見。任何涉及Global Payment Inc.與閣下的任何協議或安排,議會均不是立約方,包括以閣下的付款為目的的協議或安排。
3 為免生疑問,閣下同意:
a 閣下將會被轉接至Global Payment Inc.管理的網頁或電腦程式,而議會並不作出任何性質的保證,陳述或認同。Global Payment Inc.管理的任何網頁或電腦程式的準確性或妥善運作,議會不會負上責任。
b 就閣下向Global Payment Inc.提供的任何資料,議會不會承擔責任。議會沒有保留閣下向Global Payment Inc.提供的任何資料的副本。
c 閣下使用Global Payment Inc.提供的服務時須自行承擔所有風險。對於因Global Payment Inc.的任何作爲或不作爲直接或間接地導致或引致的任何損失或損害,議會均無須承擔責任。
d 閣下使用Global Payment Inc.提供的服務,可能受限於其他閣下與Global Payment Inc.之間的條款。
4 議會保留權利在任何時候拒絕向閣下提供任何貨品或服務,直至議會由Global Payment Inc.收到應付費用。閣下向Global Payment Inc.作出的付款,本身並不足免除閣下向議會的任何付款責任。
1 The following terms form part of the agreement between the Construction Industry Council (and/or its affiliates) ("CIC") and you, under which the CIC will provide you with particular goods and/or services ("Goods or Services").  By clicking the 'Confirm' button below you confirm your agreement to these terms.
2 Upon clicking the 'Confirm' button below, you will be redirected to a webpage administered by [Global Payments Direct, Inc ("Global Payment Inc.")], which is the third-party payment processor to process credit card payments.  The CIC neither monitors nor has any control or input over any webpage or computer programme administered by Global Payment Inc.  The CIC is not party to any agreement or arrangement involving you and Global Payment Inc., including for the purposes of your payment.
3 You agree that for the avoidance of doubt:
a You will be redirected to a webpage or computer programme administered by Global Payment Inc. and no warranty, representation or endorsement of any kind is given by the CIC.  The CIC is not liable for the accuracy or proper functioning of any webpage or computer programme administered by Global Payment Inc..
b The CIC assumes no responsibility for any data provided by you to Global Payment Inc.  The CIC does not retain a copy of any data provided by you to Global Payment Inc.
c Your use of the services provided by Global Payment Inc. is entirely at your own risk.  The CIC is not liable for any loss or damage directly or indirectly caused by or arising from any act or omission of Global Payment Inc.
d Your use of the services provided by Global Payment Inc. may be subject to other terms between you and Global Payment Inc.
4 The CIC reserves the right at any time to decline to provide you with any Goods or Services until due payment has been received by the CIC from Global Payment Inc.   Your payment to Global Payment Inc.  does not of itself relieve you of any payment obligations you owe towards the CIC.

支票 Cheque
支票號碼 Cheque No.:
銀行名稱 Bank Name :
The Cheque should be made payable to “Construction Industry Council” and sent to the CISVP Office at “38/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong” (Attn: Construction Industry Sports and Volunteering Programme Office) Please include your name and order number at the back of the cheque.

銀行入數Bank Transfer
銀行名稱 Bank Name :香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
戶口名稱 Account Name :建造業議會 Construction Industry Council
戶口號碼 Account No.: 808-261325-001
入帳後,請連同姓名、訂單編號及入數紙電郵至 [email protected] ,註明訂購「2024年建造業議會慈善月曆」。
Please email your payment slip together with your name and order number to [email protected] and indicate “2024 CIC Charity Calendar Order”.

     I have carefully read and fully understand the below Personal Information Collection Statement:
    The information that you provide to the CIC, including any personal data as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, will be solely used for this purchase.
    你必須向議會提供完整的資料。如你未能提供完整的資料,議會或無法處理你的訂購 。
    It is obligatory for you to supply the CIC with complete information. The CIC may be unable to process your order if you cannot provide the complete information.
    The CIC will not transfer your personal data to any third parties without your prior consent.

條款及細則 Terms and Conditions:
1. 訂單一經確認將不設退款,恕不接受貨品退換或取消訂單。
All items purchased are non-refundable, no exchange nor cancellation will be honoured.
2. 請確認以上填寫資料正確無誤。若因填寫錯誤或無效地址及其他資料而無法寄出貨品或導致郵寄延誤,或在郵寄期間有任何損毀或遺失,建造業議會恕不負責,一概不會作出任何賠償。
Please confirm all information that you have input is accurate. The CIC is not responsible and will not compensate for any delivery failure or delay that is resulted from inaccurate or invalid mailing address and other information, or any loss or damage during the mailing process.
3. 建造業議會保留隨時更改條款及細則的權利,恕不另行通知。如有任何爭議,議會保留最終決定權。
The CIC reserves the right to amend or modify the terms and conditions any time without prior notice at its discretion. In case of disputes, the CIC’s decision is final and binding.

查詢 Enquiry
建造業運動及義工計劃統籌辦事處 Construction Industry Sports and Volunteering Programme Office
電話 Tel. No. : +852 2100 9488
電郵 E-mail : [email protected]

We are transferring you to the payment page. Please stay with us, do not close or refresh your browser before the transaction is completed.

非常感謝 閣下訂購 2024 年建造業議會慈善月曆,訂購通知書已發送至 閣下之電郵信箱,敬請查閱。

支票付款:請於一星期內將支票郵寄或繳交至建造業議會,支票抬頭「建造業議會」,請於支票背面寫上姓名、公司/機構名稱 (如適用) 及訂單編號,郵寄至九龍觀塘駿業街56號中海日升中心38樓,信上請註明「建造業議會建造業運動及義工計劃統籌辦事處收」。

銀行入數:支付款項後,請將入數紙、網上付款截圖或其他付款證明文件,連同姓名、公司 / 機構名稱 (如適用) 及訂單編號,電郵至 [email protected],註明「2024 年建造業議會慈善月曆」,以茲證明及作實。

Thank you for placing your order of 2024 CIC Charity Calendar. An acknowledgement e-mail has been sent to your designated e-mail, please check and review the details.

Payment by cheque: Please present your cheque in person or send the cheque by post to Construction Industry Council within one week after placing the order. Cheque should be made payable to “Construction Industry Council”. Please post the cheque together with your name, company / organisation name (if applicable) and order number to Construction Industry Council, 38/F, COS Centre 56 Tsun Yip Street Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Attn: Construction Industry Sports and Volunteering Programme Office.

Bank Transfer: After completing the payment process, please send your payment advice, online payment screenshot or other payment proofs together with your name, company / organisation name (if applicable) and order number by e-mail: [email protected].
Bank Name:   The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Account Name:   Construction Industry Council
Bank Account number:   808-261325-001