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Construction Month 2018

About "Construction Month 2018"

Since its establishment in 2007, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) has embarked on a wide range of initiatives to elevate the quality of construction workforce and uphold the professionalism of the industry in Hong Kong.

In November 2018, the CIC presents its signature campaign entitled “Construction Month 2018” to promote the construction industry, and also to engage members of the public. With more than 20 construction related programmes featuring mega arts, cultural, sports, educational, awards, professional and leisure entertainment events throughout the month, “Construction Month 2018” will become an iconic industry event reaching out to both the industry stakeholders as well as the general public in Hong Kong.

Events Locations Photo Gallery Art Gallery


Date Time Event Venue
2 Nov 2018
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
“Construction Month 2018” Grand Launch CIC - ZCB
2 - 25 Nov 2018
11:00 am - 6:00 pm
The Beauty of Construction - Photo Gallery and Installation Art Exhibition CIC - ZCB
1. “Construction Spirit” Photo Gallery
2. Installation Art Exhibition
3-4 & 10-11 Nov 2018
(Sat & Sun) 
11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Junior Builders Carnival CIC - ZCB
1. Super Builders Story Corner
2. Mini Construction Site: Bamboo Scaffolding Playground & BulldozerLand
3. Stage for Builders
4. Burr Puzzle Game Square
6 Nov 2018
9:30 am - 4:00 pm
MiC Display Centre Opening Ceremony and B2B Networking CIC - ZCB
9 & 10 Nov 2018
(Friday & Saturday)
STEM Day HKIC - Kowloon Bay
Campus (KBC)
1. Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC) Open Day (9 & 10 Nov)
2. Skewer Bridge Competition (10 Nov)
9 Nov 2018
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Night Fun Run CIC - ZCB
12 Nov 2018
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Subcontractor Leadership Summit 2018 CIC - ZCB
16 Nov 2018
10:00 am - 12:00 nn
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC) Graduation Ceremony 2018 (by Invitation only).
17 & 18 Nov 2018
(Sat & Sun)
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Talk Show by Artisans CIC - ZCB
20 Nov 2018
2:00 pm – 5:30 pm
CIC Construction Innovation Award 2019 Launching Ceremony CIC - ZCB
21 Nov 2018
12:00 nn – 5:30 pm
CITAC Anniversary Conference and the Opening of 2nd Round Exhibition Construction Innovation
and Technology Application
Centre (CITAC)
24 Nov 2018
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Construction Industry Uniform Runway 2018 and Charity Dinner CIC - ZCB



Construction Industry Council – Zero Carbon Building (CIC – ZCB)

8 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong 

Google Map

Construction Innovation and Technology Application Centre (CITAC) / The Hong Kong Institute of Construction - Kowloon Bay Campus

G/F, 44 Tai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
(Exit A, MTR Kowloon Bay Station)

Google Map

Enquriy Hotline: 2100 9000

冠軍【地下脈搏】 不畏辛勞,不怕艱苦,日以繼夜,迎接無盡挑戰,為著香港,建設未來,繼續努力。   攝:KWOK Tak-chiu

亞軍【燒焊工之日常】 火爐內部維護工作,更換部件,切割及燒焊安裝新件。   攝:CHAU Kam-on

季軍【萬丈高樓平地起】 搭棚,相傳起源自有巢氏於樹上建屋的技術,集工程學與力學與於一身,是人、物料和技術的完美結合。   攝:LAM Ka-lun

優異獎【共奏樂章的建築師傅】 香港出色的建築物,全賴有一群敬業樂業精神的從業員,真令人敬佩!   攝:龍傑明

優異獎【專業-創意-共建美好香港】 以專業-精準-負責的態度,以安全-高效-並重為目標,建設香港-共享創意成果。   攝:LAI Wing-cheong, Mach

優異獎【獅子山下安居之所】 獅子山下新建的居屋地盤,將成為香港人的安居之所,寫下新一篇的奮鬥故事。(拍攝於彩雲)   攝:蒙月梅

優異獎【日出日落】 日以繼夜、夜以繼日的海上工程,全年無間斷地工作,為新跑道努力。   攝:LEONG Wai-kei

優異獎【HZMB project Scenic Hill Tunnel】 4 different methods including drill & blast, sequential soft ground excavation, box jacking and cut and cover methods were adopted to overcome hydrogeological challenges and pass through Scenic Hill, Airport Road, Airport Express Link and newly reclaimed area.   攝:黃顯華

優異獎【對安全的承諾】 屯門赤立角幹缐地盤,很多鷹架,好壯觀。   攝:LEUNG Kin-chung

優異獎【過程】 一磚一瓦,搭建了多少個「家」。   攝:HEUNG Wing-yan

優異獎【深宵作業】 夜,彩德邨和彩興苑架設行人橋,見識到香港工程人員有條不紊,效率一流。   攝:黃榮基

優異獎【高空工作   建設眼底下香港】 工匠的專業和努力,建造了一塵不染的天花,成就了令人自豪的香港。   攝:莫浚誠

優異獎【新的使命】 已經完成使命的啟德協調道行車天橋。 往後就由我們用專業建造新的使命。   攝:WONG Wai-keung

優異獎【高樓】 九層之台,起於累土,全賴工人所付出的努力。   攝:黃錦瑜

優異獎【創科】 配合創科, 發展安全舒適的個人防護裝備,保障工友,減少意外,提供舒適的工作環境,並推動業界的永續發展!   攝:焦航宇

優異獎【外牆維修的建築工人日曬雨淋工作!值得尊重!】 2位工人在烈日當空下,不辭勞苦,在高空為外牆進行維修。好在有安全的高空工作台,讓他們能夠安全完成工作,安全回家!   攝:TSOI Tung-fai

優異獎【歷史性的一刻】 整晚的專業準備,就是為了這歷史性的一刻,成功的旅程由此起。   攝:呂永勝

優異獎【安全起貨又一Day】 起貨固然開心,但吊運出貨仍要小心。用適當吊具並打雙尾繩,就萬無一失。   攝:鄧曉敬

優異獎【一孔不留、蚊子真愁】 近日蚊患嚴重,在工地裡要加強注意,避免產生積水,連喉通也要封口!   攝:CHOW Ping-wai

優異獎【新時代新建設】 西九高鐵總站工程施工中; 前景配合,藍天白雲,構成多層次。   攝:CHAN Lai-ying

優異獎【興建中的港珠澳大橋】 興建中的港珠澳大橋,劃時代的建設,美好香港。   攝:文錦豪

優異獎【「我要噴靚D!」】 彩興苑完工在即,作者以黑白照片來作新舊對比,遠景為彩雲邨的「冬菇亭」。   攝:WONG Yek-chung

優異獎【安全措施要做足,開工大吉樂滿足】 建造工友開工時,所有安全裝備做足妥善,工作時更得心應手。   攝:周澔琛

優異獎【獅子山下常幻變,建造工程不可少】 獅子山見證香港城市的變化,建造工程的偉大。   攝:林鳳汶

優異獎【Looking forward for a better Hong Kong】 Thank you for giving us a better and safe place to live in. Our future depends on all of you.   攝:Margaret FU

優異獎【港式竹棚美學】 香港建築時採用的竹棚為香港街景增添不少獨特的城市魅力。   攝:KO Ka-kit

優異獎【摩天輪是這樣煉成的】 對很多人來說,這巨型地標的誕生是一個謎,原來要用多部吊車組裝。   攝:黎智倫

優異獎【傳.承】 無論由大型機械代勞或由人手處理,業界都需要新血來傳承下去。   攝:吳凱欣

優異獎【搭棚藝術 The art of scaffold】 專業的搭棚工藝,在陽光的影照下構成一幅美麗的圖案。 A professional Scaffolding work can be a beautiful art piece under a late afternoon sun light.   攝:SY Ching-chin

優異獎【吊裝140噸爐管】 南丫島正建造一台新的天然氣發電機組,工人在鍋爐頂正調較一組140噸爐管的吊入位置。   攝:詹銳明

優異獎【建始於人】 四面環看柯士甸站時,被地盤工人吸引著,心想工程再困難,也得用人力去搭建。我立即利用菲林相機記下這一剎。   攝:余海臻

優異獎【連繫世界】 每寸工程的打造,一步一步的達致與世界連接。   攝:黎詠婷

優異獎【展望工程,建造未來】 每一項龐大的工程,都是為了未來而舖路。   攝:蔡錦霞

學生組冠軍【一起成長】 攝於天際100,有不少好的建築伴著我們成長,提高生活質素!   攝:黎祥基

學生組亞軍【「築」君平安】 在這個做足安全措施的地盤裏,才能給我駐足取景的空間。   攝:黃佩芝

學生組季軍【戴好護具人人有責】 相片中的是世界技能大賽的鋪瓦選手正在訓練,可見他安全準備十足。   攝:古駿健

【Flowers of Window】Iron window were very popular in Hong Kong from the 1950s to the 1980s. People were keen on various styles of window frames, partly for security reason and partly for decoration purpose. Most of these iron window frames were produced through sophisticated welding processes and sported geometric patterns from lines and curves to floral patterns, such as sakura and plum flowers, and characters. They represented the creativity and skills of exceptional craftsmen. by: CHAN Ping-fai (Instructor) HKIC – Kowloon Bay Campus (Metal & Welding Works); MUI Yan-shan (Instructor), LI Ching-to (Instructor) HKIC – Sheung Shui Campus (Metal & Welding Works)

【Bamboo Art】Thinking outside of the box, these craftsmen used a few hundreds bamboo sticks of different lengths to create a variety of bamboo artworks of different shapes and characters. The sunlight adds visual richness and depth to the bamboo sticks and inspires visitors to use their imaginations to conjure up limitless possibilities. by: WAN Chi-leung (Instructor), CHAN Chun-pan (Student) HKIC – Kwai Chung Campus (Construction Scaffolding Works)

【Direction】Tower cranes are vital to mid- and high-rise building constructions. They move building materials and machineries upward or downward, horizontally or vertically to their required positions. Isn’t this like our lives? We move about freely often carrying burdens, and yet our movements are constrained by different decisions not of our own making......  by: LAM Kwok-leung (Instructor), CHI Shui-leung (Instructor), WU Cheuk-hei (Student) HKIC – Kowloon Bay Campus (Carpentry & Joinery)

【Arch Door】Popular in Western architecture in the 20th century, arches are common structures with many shapes, such as circles, triangles and ovals. This arch door is a rich blend of Chinese and Western architectural styles. This Chinese style wooden door stands 2.5 metres tall without using a single needle and demonstrates a fusion of traditional and modern craftsmanship. by: LAM Kwok-leung (Instructor) HKIC – Kowloon Bay Campus (Carpentry & Joinery)

【Dou Gong】“Dou Gong” is a traditional Chinese architectural structure with a long history. Such structures are commonly found in Chinese palace buildings and temples. A “Dou Gong” features a bucket-shaped arch structure. The brackets, arranged like baskets of flowers, are set under the overhanging eaves, supporting the rooftop and adding to the sumptuous magnificence of the buildings. by: LAM Kwok-leung (Instructor), CHI Shui-leung (Instructor), WU Cheuk-hei (Student) HKIC – Kowloon Bay Campus (Carpentry & Joinery)

【Locked Heart】Welding is a fabrication or sculptural process that joins metal or thermoplastics together using high heat. Usually used in construction projects, this technique is now being applied to art creation. This heart-shaped iron lock demonstrates the artistry and craftsmanship of the welders in shaping metals and controlling temperatures. by: CHOW Hoi-ming (Instructor), CHUNG Kai-man (Instructor) HKIC – Sheung Shui Campus (Welding Works)

【Rebirth of Bird】“Rebirth of Bird” is a delicately designed and masterfully fabricated artwork made out of upcycled metal waste. Birds usually exude elegance. Thanks to the craftsmen’s sophisticated welding skills, a strong and mighty Birds is born. by: CHOW Hoi-ming (Instructor), CHUNG Kai-man (Instructor) HKIC – Sheung Shui Campus (Welding Works)

【Working Table】The tools and components commonly used in the construction industry are welded to an iron frame to form the distinctive geometric patterns of this artwork, giving a new meaning to these everyday tools. by: CHOW Hoi-ming (Instructor), CHUNG Kai-man (Instructor) HKIC – Sheung Shui Campus (Welding Works)

【Swirl Staircase】The design of traditional Chinese buildings followed the ancient philosophy of the “circle heaven and square earth”, a state of harmonious equilibrium of the universe. The circle symbolises kindness and tolerance, while the square carries a meaning of discipline and integrity. This wooden “Swirl Staircase” champions this philosophy of traditional architects. by: Hosea LIU (Instructor) HKIC – Sheung Shui Campus (Carpentry & Joinery)

【Framework Building】Carpenter (formwork building) is a vital step in construction. The vertical angle and size of the formworks must comply with the requirements of the plans, and the resulting structure must be sturdy. In this art piece, the models clearly show the distribution of each wooden bar and introduce the construction procedures to the public step by step. by: CHOY Wai-hung (Instructor) HKIC – Sheung Shui Campus (Carpentry & Joinery)

【Sliding Door】The beauty of wood art is determined not only by the colour or appearance of the product, but also by the sturdiness of the structure and the durability of the material. This sliding door may look ordinary, but it is well-structured, firm and smooth to push, all of which reflect the finesse and dedication of the craftsmen. by: HO Ngai-hung (Instructor) HKIC – Sheung Shui Campus (Carpentry & Joinery)

【Falcons】Wall tiling and bricklaying can take innumerable forms. The two “Falcons” in these art pieces masterfully marry creativity and craftsmanship, transforming tiny bricks into a beautiful mural-like brick wall. by: TO Fai (Instructor), CHAN Wing-kit (Student), KOO Chun-kin (Student), YAU Ho-him (Trainee) HKIC – Sheung Shui Campus (Bricklaying, Plastering & Tiling)

【Story of the Ocean】These 108 sharks made out of wood waste symbolise the 108 heroes (the characters of Water Margin, one of the four great classical novels of Chinese literature) who protect the oceans. With different woods of different textures, each shark tells a story of wood resources and of the ocean surrounding Hong Kong. by: LAM Chi, Founder of “Artisan Workshop”

【Bridge】Scribing is a traditional professional technique that relies heavily on the scriber’s grasp of the complex, three-dimensional design of a wooden structure. Contrary to the modern mechanical standards, scribing lets the spirit of the creator give life and symbolic meaning to the work. by: KWOK Sai-Man, Craftsman

【Kumiko】Wood waste can be turned into a stylish and artistic product. The unique and simple design of this semi-circular structure reflects the minimalistic beauty of Japanese architecture. by: KWOK Sai-Man, Craftsman

【House】Who would think trees that felling by a typhoon can become strong wood? Turning boards into walls and walls into homes, the wood from these trees unleash a new atmosphere. Where is your home? by: YUNG Wing-yan, Founder of Chingchun Warehouse and Coutou Woodworking Studio

【Instrument】Featuring different wood grains, texture and colours of trees in Hong Kong, these instrument carry not only goods but also their stories. Through the creativity of the craftsman, endless possibilities of the local waste wood have been created. by: YUNG Wing-yan, Founder of Chingchun Warehouse and Coutou Woodworking Studio

【Micro Civic Architecture: On Making Waste Public】The artwork is a wooden structure, and the “plastic sheet” is made with processed plastic rubbish collected in the city. Each plastic sheet weighs 135g, roughly equivalent to two plastics lunch boxes and two bottles. How many “plastic tower” can you build in your life? by: GAAU1 UP, Upcycling Studio

【Angel】The yellow traffic lights are the guardian angels of construction sites. A group of students from different secondary schools wisely used their creativity to draw various animals, cartoon characters and patterns on the traffic lights, so that they would quietly look after you and me. by: Fanling Government Secondary School; Caritas Charles Vath College; Maryknoll Secondary School

【Home】Inspiration for these ergonomic, colourful and elegant sofa and screen panel were taken from traditional Chinese patchwork. The furniture is hand-made with mortise and tenon joints. The design perfectly showcases the integration of wood art in modern living. by: Samuel IP, Graphic Designer & Craftsman

【Salvaged Bowl】Old castles and armour formed the inspiration for this piece. The Irish elm was salvaged from a bonfire and left untouched under a workbench for over a year. The many holes and included bark encapsulate nature in the piece and present a fascinating contrast with the exterior pattern. by: Joe LAIRD, Wood Turner, Ireland

【Pedestal Bowl】Irish white oak is difficult to dry without splitting or checking. To present a natural finish, the artist carved petals on the pedestal to match the flower-shaped bowl. The shallowness of the bowl makes it hard to look inside, giving the impression of a noble inner beauty. by: Joe LAIRD, Wood Turner, Ireland

【Celtic Shield】The over 140-year-old Irish Ash used for this piece was sourced from a farmland in County Meath. As the Ash looks bruised and scarred, inspiring the craftsman the idea of producing a shield to reflect its long history. The design of the shield is inspired from traditional Celtic art found throughout Irish history. The texture, colour and effects are particularly important, making the piece to feel real. by: Joe LAIRD, Wood Turner, Ireland

【Old Elm Vase】This piece of Irish Elm arrived as a small slab of wood is 12cm tall only. It looks ancient and is partially damaged, the challenge is to imagine what it might have looked like many years ago so that the original characteristics could be retained as much as possible. As such, the real feature of the natural edge on the top has been reserved to reflect its natural beauty and unique characteristics. by: Joe LAIRD, Wood Turner, Ireland

Last Updated: 2019-02-28 19:09:54