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The Year of the Rabbit: A Good Year for Travelling, Building, Learning and Going Green

The Year of the Rabbit: A Good Year for Travelling, Building, Learning and Going Green

The arrival of the Year of the Rabbit got me thinking about how rabbits relate to the construction industry. Rabbits act swiftly, they are like the frontline workers who are clever and dexterous. Rabbits are always full of energy, resembling the athletes in the CIC sports competitions. White rabbits symbolise purity and innocence, just like the kind hearts of the construction volunteers!

Bringing the Industry Together for a Fun Day at the “Construction Industry Happy Run”

“The Construction Industry Happy Run” was a hybrid event consisting of both online and in person competitions. From the online warm-ups in November last year to the in person races in early January this year, the event successfully brought together industry organisations and practitioners. Runners from nearly 100 industry organisations registered for the event.

The in person races and carnival held early last month made a spectacular kick-off to this year's big events. Around 1,500 runners competed at the Hong Kong Institute of Construction's Tai Po Training Ground, setting an electric atmosphere as their families and friends cheered them on. The carnival was packed with activities for all ages, including booth games and rhythmic gymnastics performances. Runners and their families and friends enjoyed each other's company throughout the day.

The first “Charity Fun Run” was organised by the CIC Youth Affairs Committee (CICYAC) as part of the event. It received tremendous support from construction industry leaders and raised over HK$200,000 for the “Construction Industry Greater Bay Area Youth Internship Programme”. Thumbs up to this meaningful initiative!

Waves of “Construction Industry Sports & Volunteering Programme” Activities Coming in

The aim of the Construction Industry Sports & Volunteering Programme (CISVP) is to boost the wellbeing and volunteerism among industry practitioners. It is established to promote the adoption of healthy lifestyles and participation in sports programmes. The programme also advocates caring culture and encourages people to serve the community through volunteering.

To promote sports culture and cultivate the habit of regular exercise among industry practitioners, CISVP’s new “Let’s Workout Together Scheme '' collaborates with local schools to offer free sports facilities to our industry practitioners on weekends. Sign up quickly and invite your friends for a friendly game!

A series of industry-wide signature sports events are held by CISVP each year, including Table Tennis Competition and Carnival, 5-a-side Football Fun Day, Sports Day and Charity Fun Day, and Football League. The popular “Construction Industry Basketball League” starts this month with the final taking place in May. Dozens of exciting basketball matches will be played by many teams, come and support your favourite team! This summer, the “Construction Industry Council Lo Pan Cup Dragon Boat Race” will return to the Shing Mun River. The dedication and team spirit of the dragon boat team members will surely impress the spectators.

“The Construction Industry Lo Pan Rice Campaign” is the flagship charity event of CISVP. It has been giving free “Lo Pan Rice” to underprivileged groups for many years. While volunteers deliver meals and warm greetings, benefactors in the industry generously sponsor a portion of the meal tickets, jointly promoting the reputation of Master Lo Pan through good deeds. Since the beginning of last year, the volunteers have been helping out more frequently, distributing free meals in all of the 18 districts every Friday evening.

The wide range of volunteer services connects the industry with all walks of life. Volunteers contribute to the community by providing professional services such as home maintenance, home appliance repair and furniture moving. CISVP also supports NGOs in distributing gift bags, charity sales, flag selling, and providing manpower for major volunteering events. Volunteers often form teams to participate in meaningful events, such as blood donation, tree planting activities, and beach and country park clean-ups. For kind-hearted builders like you, don’t miss out on our activities!

The Year of the Rabbit: A Good Year for Travelling , Building, Learning and Going Green

The industry shares the vision of "Design for the Future, Build for Life", this year the CIC will continue to assist industry practitioners to grasp the future, and enable talent to flourish. This year's work includes the following:

• Preparing for the Greater Bay Area Liaison Office -- Our colleagues have been working diligently on the preparations for the GBA Liaison Office, connecting industry stakeholders in Hong Kong and other GBA cities to open up new opportunities for the industry. Many industry practitioners will have business trips to other GBA cities after the resumption of normal travel between Hong Kong and the Mainland, and we expect the Liaison Office could lay the groundwork for our industry’s future growth.

• "The Hong Kong Construction Skills Competition'': a biennial top event that aims to identify the brightest talent, showcase the advanced skills of craftsmen, and promote the spirit of craftsmanship. Following the success of the first competition in 2020, the Hong Kong Construction Industry Trade Testing Centre (HKCITTC) will launch "The Second Hong Kong Construction Skills Competition" in April. The competition is divided into Youth Group and Open Group. Winners of the Youth Group may have the opportunity to represent Hong Kong at the WorldSkills Competition and shine on the international stage.

• This year, the CIC continues to organise "The CIC Master Class” series to raise industry standards. Heavyweight speakers with expertise in artificial intelligence and modern methods of construction will show learners the new frontier where cutting-edge technology and architectural engineering intertwine. The new topics to be covered are highly technical and keep up with industry trends, which will enhance the speed, efficiency, quantity and quality of work.

• "CIC Sustainable Construction Award”: a highly respected industry award recognises individuals and projects that demonstrate excellence in innovation and best practice in sustainable construction. It also facilitates the exchange of knowledge on new technologies and environmentally friendly materials. The prestigious award is currently open for entries. Many green buildings are designed with natural ventilation and living green walls, creating a harmonious environment to live and work. The awardees will be invited to seminars to share their expertise and groom more green building talents, bringing Hong Kong one step closer to becoming a carbon neutral city.

Preparatory Work Started for the “Construction Industry Greater Bay Area Youth Internship Programme”

Supporting upward mobility of young people in the industry and attracting more young talent have been the focus of CIC's work in recent years. The CIC Youth Affairs Committee was established last year with the aim of broadening career paths for young people in the industry. The Greater Bay Area is full of opportunity and potential, and is anticipated to provide ample room for Hong Kong’s young people to thrive. The Committee's "Construction Industry Greater Bay Area Youth Internship Programme" will match Hong Kong’s young people with construction-related organisations in mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area. Details will be announced soon.

Looking ahead to Hong Kong's social environment and the current situation of the construction industry, the development of the Hong Kong construction industry in the Year of the Rabbit is optimistic.

I wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit!

Ir Prof. HO On-sing, Thomas

Last Updated: 2023-02-01 09:51:53