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Good Practices for Keeping Sites Safe Together

Good Practices for Keeping Sites Safe Together

Since the beginning of the year, a number of accidents have taken place on construction sites and have brought us to tears and mourning. I am deeply saddened by the loss of our workers. I wish they could rest in peace and I would like to express my deepest condolences to their families.

In recent years, the average number of fatalities in the construction industry has reached around 20 per year which is far from satisfactory. We should never get used to accidents or loss of lives. Whenever an industrial accident occurs, we must reflect and ask ourselves - “Are safety management measures in place at the site? Is there any technology that we can apply to improve site safety? Is there sufficient safety awareness among senior management, supervisors and frontline workers?” We should focus on the pain points and make targeted improvements to prevent tragedies from happening again.

Newly Released Safety Enhancement Reference Materials Available and New Features Added to “CIC Safety App”

From time to time, the CIC reviews specific areas of work and formulates reference materials to help practitioners enhance their professional knowledge. In the fourth quarter of 2022, the CIC published a number of new reference materials related to safety improvement, including “Reference Material on Safety Roles and Responsibilities of Key Stakeholders in the Hong Kong Construction Industry” (with Practical Reference Guidance for various job roles), “Reference Material on Fatal Zone Management”, “Reference Material on Hole Management”, “Reference Material - Guide to Smart Safety-Related Technologies for Use in Construction Works”. All these are available for download at CIC’s website. The reference materials introduce standards or methodologies that are generally regarded by the industry as good practices. The CIC recommends the adoption of relevant reference materials by industry stakeholders where appropriate.

A feedback form is attached to each of these reference materials. Your views are welcomed and will be used to refine the documents. The CIC is eager to work hand-in-hand with the industry to promote effective and feasible ways to improve safety, so that more good practice and models can be implemented and our practitioners can work with confidence and peace of mind.

In addition, the “CIC Safety App” mobile application is developed to deliver safety information to every practitioner. The app connects to CIC’s construction safety information page which is updated frequently. It also receives occupational safety alerts issued by the Labour Department. Users can access these safety information anytime, anywhere. The “CIC Safety App” is a one-stop information portal that provides construction site safety information and guidelines, health and wellness tips, safety promotion event updates, industry news, real-time weather data, links of industry-related public organizations, etc. The functions of the app will also be updated. For example, the new personalized setting allows users to customize audio prompts for severe weather warnings. I hope you will install this app in your mobile phone and keep safety information close at hand.

Silent Tribute Improves Safety Awareness  “Life First” Webinar Series Begins from This Month

Silent tributes can improve safety awareness of staff and workers. The CIC appealed to main contractors of construction sites to hold silent tributes onsite on February 10 to reflect on the causes of recent construction site accidents.  Workers, subcontractors, property owners and consultants were also invited. The CIC's executive director and I attended several silent tributes and stressed that everyone has an obligation to ensure safety on the construction sites.  The person in charge of the project has the responsibility to look after the workers, and workers should learn to protect themselves and say “no” to danger.

The CIC will host the “Life First - Walk the Talk" webinar series on the third Wednesday of each month. The webinars aim to raise the industry's awareness of site safety. Industry practitioners will show up and share their experiences in improving site safety. I cordially invite you to attend.

Show Commitment to Site Safety with Construction Industry Safety Charter

The co-signatories of the Construction Industry’s “Safety Charter” (the Charter) have pledged to continuously promote a site safety culture to achieve the “Zero Accidents on Construction Sites” vision. When it was launched in the fourth quarter of last year, over 40 industry representatives co-signed.

The Charter provides suggestions on site safety culture, project management, technology application, work environment and training. The articles are as follows:

● Build site safety culture of "caring community” through collaboration, and promote the spirit of “caring for all"

● Prioritize construction safety as a primary consideration, and integrate it into the whole project life cycle from planning, design, construction, operation to decommissioning

● Promote best practices of site safety and proactive use of technology, including adoption of Smart Site for Safety System, for continuous improvement in safety

● Work together to enhance communication, provide a safe working environment and targeted safety training for all stakeholders

“Caring for all” is the essence of the Charter. Every process in a construction project is interconnected. A small discrepancy in any part of the production would pose a safety risk. If workers suspect that there is a potential danger on the construction site, even if it is not within their scope of responsibility, they should report immediately. Workers should take care of each other and pay extra attention to newcomers to uphold team spirit.

For Charter signatories, please continue to support the promotion of the Charter and live up to the spirit of the Charter in your daily operations. For industry organizations that have not signed up yet, please join us in demonstrating your commitment to site safety.

At the CIC's annual cocktail reception last month, Secretary for Development, Ms. Bernadette Linn, reminded the industry that ensuring site safety is one of the key future missions of the industry. She expressed her wish of  “every construction site becomes a smart site in the future”. I very much agree with her. The CIC will devote itself to promoting construction safety with the aim of achieving zero accidents on construction sites.

Master Class on AI for Construction Nurtures Talents with Professional Knowledge and Technological Competence

I believe no one would deny that artificial intelligence has enormous potential after witnessing its application these days. In recent years, the industry has often talked about technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation and robotics. However, I have observed that the level of application of such high-end technology on the construction site needs to be improved.

The CIC launched the “CIC Master Class on AI for Construction” in mid-February. The course covers the theory of artificial intelligence and its current usage in the construction industry. It empowers project decision-makers with knowledge in advanced computing and artificial intelligence technologies. The class attendees all hold professional degrees and qualifications. These elites who will soon possess both professional knowledge and technology know-hows will be the driving force for digitization of the industry, improvement of the operation process, and extensive artificial intelligence application in the industry. When artificial intelligence technology is popularized and the supply of technical talents is abundant, we can expect the lowering of entry barriers and costs of technical adoption, hence bringing new opportunities for innovation.

The list of “Construction Innovation and Technology Fund Safety-related Pre-approved Technologies” of the Construction Industry Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) showcased more than 60 products, including equipment and facilities supported by artificial intelligence, automation and robotics, digitization, sensors and internet of things technology. Since last year, the CITF’s safety-related technology funding ceiling has substantially raised from HK$800,000 to HK$2 million, and the subsidy for each company has jumped to HK$6 million. The industry should take the initiative to explore the use of new technologies in various stages of the building life cycle to ensure the safety of industry practitioners.

I hereby solemnly appeal to the industry to adhere to the principle of “safety first”, and reiterate the CIC's vision of “Zero Accidents on Construction Sites”. Frequent industrial accidents have seriously damaged the image of the industry and exacerbated the talent shortage, which will only affect all stakeholders in the industry in the end.

By putting ourselves in others' shoes, we never want our relatives and friends to be victims of accidents. I hope all of us in the industry will make humane and reasonable decisions by taking the issue of site safety seriously and working together to find solutions.

Ir Prof. HO On-sing, Thomas

Last Updated: 2023-03-01 16:21:09