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Uphold Safety Management Principles and Drive Safety Culture Transformation Through Leadership

Uphold Safety Management Principles and Drive Safety Culture Transformation Through Leadership

The CIC has always valued "construction safety" as a cornerstone of the industry's development. Construction safety safeguards the lives and health of practitioners, prevents accidents on construction sites, and protects the reputation of companies. All stakeholders should fulfill their responsibilities and adhere to the spirit of "Life First, Say No to Danger”, “Everyone is Accountable for Construction Site Safety", and “Everyone Performs their Duties" to maintain a positive industry image. To encourage transformation of construction safety culture, the CIC has launched the "Master Class in Safety Leadership Culture" to empower senior management to learn the ways of cultivating a safety-first culture in the minds of employees and partners.

Overwhelming Response to the First-ever Construction Robotics Workshop

The recently concluded "Construction Robots Workshops," organized by the CIC, received an overwhelmingly positive response. Supported by local and international robotics companies, the workshops showcased a parade of over 20 robots currently available on the market, providing participants with the opportunity to experience and interact with the robots firsthand. During the seminar session of the opening ceremony, Ms. Winnie HO, Secretary for Housing, encouraged the industry to adopt robots on a larger scale to alleviate the burden of tedious tasks on workers. She also highlighted that the data and information collected by robots can be directly integrated into Building Information Modelling (BIM) to enhance construction efficiency.

From planning to execution, construction robots can play an important role in various stages of construction, including on-site progress monitoring and facility management. They can replace human workers in repetitive and high-risk tasks in contaminated environments, such as working in confined spaces and at heights, thereby significantly improving production quality and safety, and opening new frontiers to construction work practices. Take the inspection drone for internal and confined space showcased in the workshop as an example, it is equipped with LiDAR laser sensors, a 4K camera, a thermal camera, and a distance sensor. It is suitable for inspecting places like water tanks, sewers, factories and pipelines, etc. The collected data can be transmitted for 3D model creation.

I see that construction robots can effectively reduce human errors, track progress of construction processes, improve site safety, and lower construction costs while increasing speed and efficiency. When purchasing qualified robots, the Construction Industry Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) can provide up to 80% funding support, please do consider applying for the funding. To facilitate the exchange among machinery operators and encourage the industry to extensively utilize machinery, the CIC will organize the “Construction Industry Machinery Operation Competition 2023” in early November, followed by an awards ceremony to recognize talents proficient in operating machinery.

Senior Executives Should Promote a Safety-first Culture and a Considerate Attitude on Construction Sites

The CIC has noted that some experienced workers commence work hastily without adopting adequate safety measures. I believe that the industry should rectify this misconception as soon as possible. Given that construction site conditions can change due to factors such as weather and project progress, relying solely on working experience is insufficient to ensure safety. Therefore, senior executives and project supervisors should proactively instill the correct mindset among workers and promote a safety-first culture in both offices and construction sites to foster a considerate attitude on construction sites.

To disseminate this important message, the CIC recently introduced the "Master Class in Safety Leadership Culture". This training course targets senior members in project director or higher positions, with bachelor's degrees or relevant professional qualifications in architecture and engineering. It aims to train them to be exceptional leaders in promoting a safety culture. Throughout the course, learners will participate in case studies and group discussions with industry peers.

Reaching out is crucial for successfully promoting a safety culture. Open communications and direct engagement with frontline workers through regular face-to-face interactions are necessary. Silent tribute events provide opportunities for executives to deliver safety culture messages. The "Silent Tribute Manual", compiled by the CIC, suggests that executives and authorized personnel from property owners and main contractors should lead these ceremonies together with subcontractors and frontline workers on construction sites. It is also recommended to demonstrate good practices and practical methods during these occasions. All workers should participate in these ceremonies, and representatives from property owners and consulting companies should attend to show their support.

For over a decade, the CIC and the Development Bureau have co-organized the "Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme". This scheme encourages all those involved in the construction industry, including employers, consultants, contractors, subcontractors, project supervisors, and frontline workers, to collaborate and commit to ethical practices that create safe and healthy environments on construction sites and in public places. One of the assessment criteria for the scheme is the adoption of safety guidelines issued by the CIC.

The CIC has developed various safety guidelines for different construction processes and project types, such as the "Guidelines on Handling Construction Work Injury and Fatal Accident Cases", "Guidelines on Safety of Lift Shaft Works" and "Guidelines on the Statutory Requirements for Modular Integrated Construction Projects".  Please feel free to contact the CIC for details and implement safety practices at all levels promptly.

Labour Importation Scheme for Construction Sector

To fuel the industry's manpower resources, accelerate infrastructure development, improve the livelihoods of citizens, and drive economic growth, the CIC has taken on the responsibility for the construction and operation of the Construction Sector Imported Labour Quarters, providing residential facilities for imported workers through the "Labour Importation Scheme for Construction Sector". The designated dormitory in Yuen Long Tam Mei, which was opened in October, provides a total of 1,800 units, accommodating approximately 7,000 people."

Both imported and local workers must comply with Hong Kong's construction safety regulations. There is no room for double standards in construction safety. "Life First, Safety First" is the common goal of all personnel on construction sites. Going forward, the CIC will continue to work with the industry to strengthen safety culture training to help imported workers familiarize themselves with Hong Kong's construction site operations and safety regulations so that all workers can work with peace of mind.

Registration is Now Open for the CIC Global Sustainability Forum and Exhibition

Registration is now open for the CIC Global Sustainability Forum and Exhibition 2023. The event will take place from 20 to 22 November 2023. It aims to bring together industry leaders, experts, and academics to explore the latest trends and innovative technologies in sustainable construction. Construction safety is one of the eight main themes of the Forum, and it will include discussions on “Safety Leadership in Creating a Safe and Healthy Workplace” and “Digital Engineering Enabling Collaboration, Aiding Design Safety, and Promoting Positive Behavior on our Construction Projects”.

The Forum will provide a valuable opportunity to engage with international experts in sustainable development and ESG. I cordially invite you all to participate!

The "Construction Safety Week Carnival 2023”, jointly organized by the CIC and the Development Bureau, will be held at Playground No. 1 in Tai Hang Tung Estate on the 19 November. The event has a rich program, including construction safety competitions, safety drama performance, booth games, and more. Please bring your family and friends to the event. The slogan for the event really resonates with me — "Proud to be Safe" !

As long as we always keep safety culture in mind, diligently review construction safety procedures and operations, and make good use of technology, such as Smart Site Safety System, Modular Integrated Construction method, construction robotics, etc., "Zero Accident Construction Sites" is definitely an attainable goal. Let's work it out together!

Ir Prof. HO On-sing, Thomas

Last Updated: 2023-10-31 18:34:08