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HKU Hostel Sets New Architectural Trends with Innovative MiC Design

HKU Hostel Sets New Architectural Trends with Innovative MiC Design

The construction community always keep a close eye on the latest technology trend and innovative implementation to improve construction efficiency, minimise environmental impact, enhance workplace safety, and increase productivity and quality. The latest Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) method is increasingly common within the construction industry. The mixed development project by the University of Hong Kong (HKU) at High West Site brings this construction method further through cutting-edge technologies such as "horizontal divisions", Smart Transport Planning Platform and e-birth certificates, which allow the quality of both interior and exterior areas comparable with most large-size residential units in the private sector. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council, accompanied by Council Members and students of the Hong Kong Institute of Construction recently visited the mockup unit of this groundbreaking project. Mr. Jeffrey SY, Director of Estates of HKU and Dr. Louis CHU, Associate Director of Estates of HKU, provided insightful explanations on the execution of the project and numerous advantages of MiC, such as accelerated construction timelines, enhanced waterproofing, waste reduction, and improved workplace safety.

Advanced "Horizontal Divisions" Technique for Enhanced Waterproofing Ability

The project consists of four buildings comprising 19-storey and 20-storey student hostels and staff quarters providing over 1,000 units. HKU has commended that the MiC method would bring significant breakthroughs in its applications, not just resulting in an efficient construction process, but also many other advantages.

One notable innovation is to apply "Horizontal Divisions" of MiC units instead of traditional “vertical divisions” of MiC units. This innovative design arrangement can largely reduce the number of joints between modules and mitigate the risk of water infiltration from external walls. In addition, all windows will be installed in the factory and undergo water testing, which further mitigate the risk of water seepage from the external wall. It provides much better quality control than traditional window installation on site. The MiC modules designed for dividing horizontally allows for fewer modules to be used while increasing indoor space. Unlike vertically divided modules, it has certain limitations in terms of weight, wall structure, and interior compartments.

Double-Wall Design Maximizes Usable Space without Compromise

MiC method composed of the assembly of different modules. There is a common concern within the industry whether adopting MiC would reduce the usable floor area due to doubling up the walls between modules. In fact, the High West Site project has effectively addressed this concern through a thoughtful approach by limiting double-wall only to part of kitchen and bathroom areas, while single-wall design will be applied generally to other areas. The double-wall design is only used in kitchen and bathroom so that all waterproofing works, cabinet installations and internal finishing works will be completed in the factory. Since the wall thickness of MiC is similar to the wall thickness of traditional construction method, the usable floor area of the MiC units are comparable to traditional construction methods. Valuable internal space will not be sacrificed. Ceiling height has been meticulously designed to reach an impressive 2,970 millimeters, which overcome previous transportation and assembly limitations. The project has successfully achieved the desired dimensions, resulting in a comfortable and spacious ambiance—an achievement that holds significant reference value for developers.

Unyielding Strength: Robust Wind Resistance

The resistance to wind and rain of a building is an important criterion for assessing construction quality. The project selected prefabricated modules to improve the robustness of the building structure. Screws and couplers connections will be avoided so that future maintenance of loosen screws could be minimized. This will further enhance the durability of the building. Regarding the wind resistance of the building, Dr. Louis Chu stated that the modules will be connected by welded steel plates. As a result, the modules will become part of the main building structure framework. This innovative approach will reduce the building deflection under strong wind and further increase the wind load resistance of the building.

Streamlined Maintenance and Construction Personnel for Enhanced Efficiency

Dr. Louis Chu also mentioned that the balconies of this project are the first "prefabricated modular balcony" approved by the Buildings Department in Hong Kong. Components such as railings, floor tiles and waterproof layers will be installed in the factory in advance. The structure will also be tested and calibrated at the factory. This will ensure all components and modules are accurately fabricated before transport to the construction site for installation. MiC construction technology allows the majority of the fabrication process to be completed in the factory. In addition to complying with statutory requirements, the project has set a higher safety factor. The construction tolerance of each module has to be controlled within 2mm, which is more accurate and safer than traditional building construction method. Furthermore, the balconies are full concealed by aluminium panels, all waterproofing works are done in the factory and passed 100% tested to ensure its effectiveness. Even in rainy days, there will be no water seepage and avoid the need for frequent maintenance in future.

Modular construction significantly reduces the number of on-site construction workers. With only a fraction of the workforce required compared to traditional methods, safety management becomes more streamlined. Dr. Chu emphasized that “since most of the construction works are completed in the factory, the construction process become much safer."

Many believe that the statutory application and approval process of MiC buildings can be quite troublesome. Dr. Chu pointed out that the Buildings Department has streamlined the application procedures, making the application and approval process much easier. In fact, the approval process of this project only took 2 months. As long as sufficient information is submitted, the approval time will not take longer than traditional construction methods.

Smart Transport Planning Platform

Since most of the roads in Hong Kong are full of people and vehicles, and the general MiC modules are wide and long, the transportation route will need detailed planning. The research team led by Professor Wei Pan of HKU is currently developing a smart transportation planning platform and will make use of the High West Site project to tackle difficulties related to MiC transportation. Some of the core algorithms of the platform have been effectively verified in the High West Site project. With the support of the planning platform, project team can plan the use of MiC in advance. Especially during land sale, design and delivery arrangement and thereby reducing the impact to nearby traffic. Professor Wei Pan and his research team will continue to develop and improve different functions within the planning platform, hoping to serve the government and general public.

Automated Mobile Systems Facilitate Property Management

Professor Wilson Lu and his research team also played a role in the High West Site project. Innovative technologies such as electronic quality inspection systems and mobile application platforms are developed to ensure the construction quality and safety meet international standards. These technologies have the potential to promote the use of MiC into the international market. They have adopted a cloud-based blockchain system to encrypt all inspection data. Previously, this inspection system has been adopted at the Wong Chuk Hang Student Hostel project. The research results have won many international awards. The first-generation of the system mainly used on a single project and Wi-Fi or 4G system. However, the 2.0 version can apply to manage multiple projects and use the 5G system for data transmission, which is much faster and more stable.

The goal of HKU is to establish a fully mobile platform that allows the entire workflow, transportation, installation, and even project progress can be fully control and monitor. The team utilized Internet of Things (IoT) technology, it captures vital data of the modules such as temperature, humidity, vibration, and precise location information, ensuring meticulous monitoring and control. The integration of Geographic Information System (GIS) provides real-time location verification, and Building Information Modeling (BIM) used for information management and visualization. More importantly, the system uses blockchain technology to ensure that all data collected from mobile applications, IoT, GIS, uploaded photos and documents, and endorsements of T&C records from relevant inspectors cannot be modified or altered. All responsible parties of each process are accountable for their submitted information and every piece of data are traceable in the system.

HKU strives to establish a comprehensive digital system that leaves no room for errors or oversights. Their ultimate aspiration is for the Buildings Department to recognize and endorse this cutting-edge system.

e-Birth Certificate: From Inception to Maintenance

Dr. Louis Chu conveyed that HKU has adopted a system called "e-Birth cert," which is based on digital blockchain technology and provides design customization and 100% quality supervision This reliable monitoring system can ensure that remote overseas factories meet the design and quality requirements during the manufacturing and transportation process. This revolutionized the production of MiC globally, allowing MiC to be exported to all over the world. The buildings at High West Site will be equipped with smart features, and all units will be connected to the building management system. Apart from receiving immediate notifications in case of emergencies (such as fires or smoke warning signals), residents and management office will be notified immediately. The system will also be connected to relevant Government Departments such as Water Supplies Department’s Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system. Residents will be notified immediately when there is suspicious water usage.

The High West project at the University of Hong Kong serves as an excellent demonstration for the industry. From the cozy design with high ceiling height, innovation of prefabricated modular balcony, cloud based blockchain building management system to the Smart Transportation Planning Platform and the application of e-Birth Certificates, all highlight the innovation and efficiency of MiC. With the continuous optimization and upgrades, we believe that modular construction will set off new a revolution in the future construction industry.

Last Updated: 2024-06-04 18:18:17