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Revolutionary Robotic Elevator Installation Method New Era for Safety and Efficiency

Revolutionary Robotic Elevator Installation Method New Era for Safety and Efficiency

In a densely populated city like Hong Kong, there is only one direction Buildings are going: UP! Now more than ever, elevators play a crucial role in keeping buildings operating and getting people to where they need to be. Traditionally, installation of elevators has been purely a manual task, with engineers drilling all the holes. For the first time, an innovative solution - Schindler R.I.S.E (Robotic Installation System for Elevators) can take up this task with an autonomous robotic system, while at the same time raises safety levels and efficiency.

This cutting edge technology has now arrived in Hong Kong and has been put to work in a 28-storey office tower project in Wan Chai. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), visited the site to see the robot in action. The fully automated system demonstrated how elevator shaft drilling can be easily operated through a tablet computer. This improves site safety and health by reducing time technicians need to spend in the shaft, being exposed to dust, noise & repetitive non-ergonomic work, demonstrating how advanced technology can be the best way to deliver on the CIC’s motto: ‘Life First, Say NO to Danger’.

Scaffoldless Installation and Dust-free Environment

Schindler R.I.S.E, developed by the New Technologies department at Schindler Group, has already been used on sites around the world, including projects in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Poland, Middle East, Singapore, and Shanghai. The commercial development, on 54 Queen’s Road East in Wan Chai, is its inaugural project in Hong Kong.

Although the robot is small enough to be transported to the site by a trolley, it is equipped with a laser scanner, a rebar scanner, a robot arm for drilling and anchor bolt magazine. Once installed in the shaft, the robot will drill and set anchor bolts according to the pre-programmed location automatically. It will also move to the next level autonomously when a level is completed and continue working in the shaft.

Traditional installation requires workers to enter the elevator shaft. With Schindler R.I.S.E, the process is now fully automated and scaffolding is no longer required. The operator only needs a tablet to communicate with the robot, minimising the risk of working at height and in a dusty environment. Furthermore, the robot doesn’t need to take breaks and can work non-stop 24/7. Alerts will be sent to the operator with a mobile notification in case of any disruption.

Lower Costs and Time – Higher Efficiency

Schindler R.I.S.E can complete drilling and setting anchor bolts required for landing doors, divider beams and wall brackets independently. Its scanning system helps raise accuracy and efficiency as obstacles are avoided before drilling. According to Schindler’s Project Manager Mr. Paul LEE, the installation process is simplified, providing time and cost savings across the whole process.

To provide expert assistance, Senior Engineer Ir Jeff NG travelled to Hong Kong to help with training. In Singapore, Jeff worked on another large-scaled Schindler R.I.S.E project. He used this experience to help train the technicians in Hong Kong, demonstrating the improvements installation efficiency that can be made with Schindler R.I.S.E.

BIM-compatible - Attracting New Talent with Innovation

The construction industry in Hong Kong is always ready to welcome new talents, and the project team believes the adoption of innovation will help in attracting young people. In addition to improving site condition and safety, Schindler R.I.S.E also proves that elevator installation does not have to be as physically demanding as before.

Behind the scenes, Building Information Modelling (BIM) software provides detailed visual representation of a site in 1:1 scale. It is a method that has been widely adopted by the construction industry. Schindler R.I.S.E can use this information directly to manage the whole planning and installation process, further increasing accuracy and efficiency.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC, was supportive of the team’s efforts to speed up the integration of BIM. He also said that Schindler R.I.S.E has brought a revolutionary impact on the elevator industry, highlighting how Schindler R.I.S.E puts workers’ safety as the top priority. “The CIC has been emphasizing the importance of enhancing quantity, speed, efficiency, quality, and safety. Schindler is bringing these aspects to the next level with Schindler R.I.S.E. We all look forward to seeing higher level of safety integration from the industry.”

Last Updated: 2024-06-04 10:18:31