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Hong Kong Institute of Construction (Kwai Chung Campus) Silent Tribute: Safety Doesn't Happen By Accidents

Hong Kong Institute of Construction (Kwai Chung Campus) Silent Tribute: Safety Doesn't Happen By Accidents

In the next few years, the total construction output in Hong Kong will continue to grow and there will be a keen demand for manpower in the construction industry. The Construction Industry Council (CIC) has not only proactively increased the training of workers, but also widely promoted the vision of zero accidents in all construction sites such as organising regular silence tributes to reflect on recent fatal accidents and strengthen the safety mindsets of all industry stakeholders.

Mr. CHAN Pai-ming, Jimmy, JP, Director of Highway Department, Ir CHENG Ting-ning, Albert, Executive Director of the CIC, Mr LEE Hang-wing, James, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of Paul Y. Engineering Group Limited and Mr WANG Kei-ming, Joseph, Managing Director of Ming Tai Construction Engineering Co Ltd joined the silent tribute at Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC) Kwai Chung Campus in May and shared their views on recent accidents with students.

Take no chances at construction site

Turning a blind eye to the potential risks of construction sites often leads to unfortunate events. The Director of Highways, Mr. CHAN Pai-ming, Jimmy, shared with students that when he was a student, he always believed that accidents would never happen to him, which now he is sure that such mindset was a big mistake. "Every accident has various reasons behind and unexpected factors somehow collide together to cause a tragedy, which makes people regret it." He hoped the students would always put their own safety as the first consideration. "We have to rely on ourselves to pay attention, think one step further, and think carefully about whether the upcomings will pose a danger to us. Always ensure that adequate safety measures are taken."

Mr. Chan believes that compared to the past, the publicity and education on construction safety has been greatly enhanced. In particular, the CIC has successfully raised everyone's awareness by different videos explaining the causes of accidents.

All lives are equal

In order to achieve site safety, a concerted effort of contractors, sub-contractors, site personnel, industry stakeholders and the government shall be made. Mr LEE Hang-wing, James, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of Paul Y. Engineering Group Limited emphasised that even though a construction project must involve different stakeholders such as the landlord, the developer, and the contractor, all lives are equal. "If there is any concern about the site environment, the workers must raise it and stop whatever they are working on." The overall industrial accident rate has dropped significantly in the past 20 years, but the number of deaths has remained the same in the past 10 years, which is around 20 cases per year. One single accident is far too many. He believes that with a concerted effort to uphold the principle of Life First, the construction safety will definitely be improved.

Never tread on thin ice

As the senior of the students from HKIC, Mr WANG Kei-ming, Joseph, Managing Director of Ming Tai Construction Engineering Co Ltd., gave tips to the students, "First, always keep your feet on the ground. Don't just look down on your phones and pay attention to traps ahead. Impatience can cause wise people to do foolish things; Second, never tread on thin ice. The site is not a place where you can jump and play. Safety is our top priority and you are the one who takes care of your own life.”

Five Safety Elements: 4M1E

By sharing the recent three fatal industrial accidents, the institute instructor reminded the student to always keep the "five safety elements'’ in mind, which are 4M1E: men, machines, materials, methods, and environment". He encouraged the students to learn safety knowledge from experience, and observe the environment carefully in a hope of "Arriving Safe. Working Safe. Going Home Safe." Ir CHENG Ting-ning, Albert, Executive Director of the CIC also wished all students could learn lessons from past accidents, keeping the priceless advice of the guests in mind. After all, safety is everyone's responsibility.

Last Updated: 2024-06-04 09:57:45