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The Hong Kong Institute of Construction Held a Moment of Silence to Raise Safety Awareness

The Hong Kong Institute of Construction Held a Moment of Silence to Raise Safety Awareness

Zero tolerance to accidents! To promote safety awareness in the industry, especially among frontline construction practitioners, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) encourages the industry to organise regular Silent Tribute events for conveying safety messages to management staff and workers and encourage them to learn from unfortunate experiences. The Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC) under CIC holds Silent Tribute events regularly where instructors and students held a moment of silence for workers who lost their lives in accidents. To make sure that students understand the importance of safety, we included analysis of potential causes of accidents as a key element in the event.

Industry to hold Silent Tribute events to promote caring culture

To achieve excellence, not only project quality has to be guaranteed, construction companies should also ensure construction safety at sites. As the industry’s pioneer, CIC encourages the development of a caring culture in the industry, the Silent Tribute event will set a good example for the industry and is well received by industry leaders. Ir Thomas HO, the Chairman of the CIC, Ir KAN Jun, Council Member of CIC and Mr. CHAN Lok-chai, President of Registered Specialist Trade Contractors Federation joined the Silent Tribute in early April and shared some sincere remarks on safety issues with students from the foreman course.

Between January to March this year, three fatal accidents likely to be related to fall from heights and trapped in or between objects occurred, all are very unfortunate. HKIC instructors briefed students on the incident summary and analyze potential causes to the accidents. Reflection was made on how to avoid accidents, for example, did workers check if there is any suitable protective barrier? Is independent lifeline with fall-arresting devices available? Did frontline management brief or give instruction before commencement of work?

No heroes needed in safety

Ir Thomas HO warned students, “Some workers think their experience overrides safety precautions, and tragedies happen. Students will become foremen after graduation, you must bear in mind that workers need to know the risk before they start working, and it will save their lives.” He also reminds students that immediately stoppage is needed if work sequence is different from the planned sequence suddenly. Life will be protected if we stay alert and take one extra step.

Look before you leap

It is important to look before you leap, especially at construction sites. CIC remind the industry regularly that decisions made controls workers’ lives and their family. Ir KAN Jun shared that “You must make safety a habit because it will affect more than one family. I know that many accidents are caused by improper use of safety belt, it is important to stay alert. PPE is just the beginning of safety measures, workers with less experience may be less aware of safety hazards, so regular training is needed.”

Everyone is responsible for Construction Safety

Mr. CHAN Lok-chai visits sites frequently, he pointed out that “Foreman is an important role with great responsibilities because they are the ones who should know all happenings on site, such as how to perform lifting operations safely? Did workers let the form work finish in a safe environment for next sequence?” He also encouraged owners, main contractors and sub-contractors to organise mandatory talks for workers and learn from the bitter experience of families who have lost their loved ones.

Guideline for the Industry

With the “Zero Accident” principle, through Silent Tribute events, CIC and HKIC strives to promote safety awareness and understanding of safety standard and deliver the message clearly to construction workers. CIC has prepared a guideline with recommended rundown for the industry for organising Silent Tribute events. Owners, main contractors and sub-contractors are encouraged to hold a moment of silence for workers passed away in accidents on their own but it should carry the most important message in the event which is “Safety Assurance” and potential risks could be avoided.

CIC reviews and monitors safety performance in the industry from time to time while joining hands with the industry to foster a positive safety culture. CIC and the government strongly encourage sites to arrange workers to do warm-up exercise “Baduanjin” before the commencement of the work daily. Exercising can enhance workers’ physical flexibility and encourage a healthy lifestyle to minimise the risk of injuries. It is helpful to workers’ health and prepare them for the long day of work ahead. Therefore we strongly encourage to include “Baduanjin” in every Silent Tribute event. HKIC organizes various training courses on construction safety for workers to promote safety awareness and attitude. Eventually, we hope to foster the concept of “Life First” in the industry on all fronts. Let’s say “No” to Danger together!

Last Updated: 2024-06-04 09:59:17