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"Safety First" Supported by Technology at Lyric Theatre Complex Site

"Safety First" Supported by Technology at Lyric Theatre Complex Site

Construction safety has always been the Construction Industry Council (CIC)'s top priority in our work in promoting industry development. Unfortunately, there was another fatal accident during the past Easter holiday where a cleaning worker fell from height. In fact, every aspect of a construction project, including process design, site management, application of technology, and training are essential to construction safety, and every detail can give better protection to workers.

Innovative technology adoption from design to execution

Last week, Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of CIC, and Ir Albert CHENG , Executive Director of CIC, visited the site of the Lyric Theatre Complex at West Kowloon and extensive adoption of BIM, MiMEP and MiC method were demonstrated. Contractor's planning and intelligence in minimising potential risks can be seen from the project's process design to technology application. It is a exemplary reference for the industry. Mr. SM LIN, General Manager, Construction Projects of West Kowloon Cultural District Authority explained that the extensive use of BIM enables constant checks on construction accuracy which helps to ensure construction safety. This project is a fusion of architecture, technology and art and sets a good example for fellow construction project owners.

The Lyric Theatre Complex in West Kowloon has an atypical outlook. The irregular shape of the building brings complexity and uncertainty to its construction process. With an aim to simplify on-site construction procedures and processes, the contractor adopted BIM extensively to achieve "Design for Safety". Much effort has been put into the initial design stage to achieve construction safety and reduce potential risks. With BIM in place, calculation and Parametric Design can help reduce the number of curved panels used for the curvy facade from more than 300 pieces to approximately 160 pieces . The steel internal support structure can also be modularised. With the help of technology, we believe modularisation of curtain walls and even modularisation of interiors can be made possible and will bring about further improvements in construction productivity.

Minimising risk with Internet-based Dynamic Risks Assessment

With careful planning during the design stage, uncertainties and unknown risks can be greatly reduced as "how" and "when" are well-determined throughout the construction process. We can also benefit from the detailed planning as everyone will be well-informed of accurate and useful information of the project, as detailed as the position of every screw. The developer, the consultant, the contractor, the technical team or even the workers will be able to perform their duties in a safe and organised manner. Contractor can suspend the work and install safety equipment instantly with the internet-based Dynamic Risks Assessment and resume construction in a safe condition when all workers are informed of the changes.

Implementation of the DfMA concept

Actual architectural consideration will follow when an effective and disciplined design is in place. Mr. Iain Hubert, Project Director of Gammon Construction, introduced at the Lyric Theatre Complex site that nearly 70% of the building process of the site's engine room and large-scale plumbing installations were built with DfMA and MiMEP method. Parts were pre-fabricated in the factory to ensure their quality and DfMA can greatly reduce welding works and works at height on site. Onsite procedures can be reduced from 40 to 10. These design ideas have greatly reduced the potential risks on site. The team also enjoyed the much shorter procedure as minimal installation work is needed at site likes fixing hoses and screws were completed in just 24 working days, an outstanding achievement in construction safety and efficiency!

Prefabricated construction can reduce on site manpower requirement and it is particularly important during the pandemic. During the outbreak of the fifth wave of the epidemic in Hong Kong, many workers were unable to go to work and logistics between Hong Kong and the Mainland was hindered, which also affected the delivery of materials and in turns, the progress of construction projects. Yet with the adoption of DfMA, components can still be manufactured in the mainland which shortens the onsite construction time and ensures a smooth construction progress. Mr. Sunny CHAN, Chief Projects Officer of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, mentioned that part of the site was reserved for workshops and local pre-fabrication so as to avoid delays in construction progress caused by logistics problems during the pandemic.

Quality and logistic monitoring in the Digital Control Centre

The digital control center in the construction site is indispensable to maximize the benefits of the technology application on the construction site. The MMC (Modern Method of Construction) system is a consolidation of various technologies. Since the start of the design works of the Lyric Theatre Complex with BIM, through the construction process with MiMEP and DfMA construction work, all data are recorded in the system with the help of Internet of Things (IoT). The team in charge of managing the MMC system are in control of all processes, and will be able to monitor the project quality on the digital platform, components arrival time and even the person receiving the components and ensure that the entire project runs smoothly. An AI-powered CCTV is also included in the system to ensure workers are wearing their hard hats and masks properly and will issue instant warnings to secure the implementation of safety instructions. If all engineering projects adopt such system, all the data can be consolidated to achieve standardisation in construction sites, which will improve the time, cost, quality, safety and sustainable development of projects.

Construction safety is indeed a responsibility for all and everyone should contribute. In order to encourage frontline colleagues' commitment, the Council awarded two outstanding engineering colleagues with tablet computers - Victor, who is committed to create a safe working environment by integrating BIM, MiMEP, MiC, etc.; and Herman, who inspects the construction site and reminds subcontractors and frontline workers to pay attention to safety at work. CIC looks forward to more integration of safety details into construction process and "Life First" is always the industry's first priority!

Last Updated: 2024-06-04 09:59:26