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Enjoy the Mid-autumn ‧ CIC-Zero Carbon Park

Enjoy the Mid-autumn ‧ CIC-Zero Carbon Park

In September, the CIC-Zero Carbon Park (CIC-ZCP) comes to be one of the best places for enjoying the moon and holiday! With various stunning photo spots, a series of construction green workshops, low-carbon music performances, and the festive landscape tour x sketching class, CIC-ZCP will celebrate the special low-carbon Mid-autumn Festival together with you!

Construction Green Workshops

A series of sustainable green and fitness workshops from 1 to 29 September 2021, covering art, DIY lantern, DIY accessories, yoga, fitness, low carbon workshops, explore the infinite possibilities of construction.

Register NOW

Low Carbon Music Performance

Date: 17 - 19 and 22 September 2021
Time:  will  update soon
Venue: Outdoor Eco-plaza, CIC-ZCP


Stunning Photo Spots

Moon Rabbit Display_Day.jpg   Moon Rabbit Display_Night 01.jpg

More to come!Stay tuned!

Last Updated: 2021-09-08 09:44:46