The CIC-Zero Carbon Park organised a Minecraft Competition with the theme of "Construct Your Sustainable City", aspiring to encourage students to join hands and unleash their creativity by applying the concept of innovative construction technologies as well as environmental sustainability, so as to construct our ideal, sustainable city together. Over 300 submissions were received under three divisions, namely “Primary School Division (P1-P6)”, “Secondary School Division (S1-S3)” and “Secondary School Division (S4 – S6)”.
The submissions were evaluated by professional judges based on their expression of the theme, implementation of elements of sustainable development, application of advanced construction methods and coding / AI and creativity and aesthetic value, etc. Winning teams were being presented their award certificates during Construction Month 2022 while Champion submissions are now exhibited at the CIC-ZCP through a virtual reality strategy. This aspires the industry and public to know more about their thoughts and ideas, which put efforts into constructing an ideal, sustainable city together.
Exhibition date: 19 November to 27 December 2022 (Except 12-18 December 2022)
Last Updated: 2022-11-28 10:39:45