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About Construction Industry Anti-Heat Stress Uniform

The Construction Industry Council (“CIC”) has been taking a leading role in fostering a caring and safety culture in the construction industry. In order to enhance the comfort of construction workers at work, interested contractors can purchase the Construction Industry (“CI”) Anti-Heat Stress Uniform, which is designed by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), through CIC’s approved supplier(s) since September 2016. The CI Anti-Heat Stress Uniform is made from COOLMAX® fabric and a new generation of moisture-management textiles made from nano-materials, including the following advantages:

If you would like to purchase the CI Anti-Heat Stress Uniform, please refer to the following documents:

The following uniform supplier(s) had fulfilled the testing requirements and had signed the Sub-License Agreement with CIC:

If you are interested in manufacturing the CI Anti-Heat Stress uniform, the CIC may grant a sub-license related to the anti-heat stress work-wear technology according to the main agreement entered between CIC and PolyU. Further details on the sub-license can be obtained from CIC at Tel: 2100 9000 or E- mail: uniform@

Last Updated: 2019-02-25 19:34:29