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CIC Construction Talk

CIC Construction Talk

The CIC launches a brand new online series "CIC Construction Talk" so as to better connect the young professionals and the public to promulgate the vibrant community in our construction industry. Our honorable guests from different fields will share their professional expertise and experience in a leisure way.





Registration / Replay


CITF Support on Manpower Development and Pioneering Application in Hong Kong (Part 1)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of manpower development (MPD) and Pioneering Application in Hong Kong, and the application procedures etc.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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CITF Support on Industrialisation (MiC, MiMEP & Prefabricated Steel Rebar) and Sensors & IoT Products (Part 1)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), Multi-trade integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MiMEP) and Prefabricated Steel Rebar (STB); the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved sensors and IoT products.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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CITF Support on Advanced Construction Technologies (ACT) and Advanced Tools & Equipment (Part 1)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Advanced Construction Technologies (ACT) and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved Advanced Tools & Equipment.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Sharing on Manpower Development (Part 2)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Manpower Development (MPD), the application procedures etc. and sharing on manpower development.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) - Successful Cases Sharing on Advanced Solutions for Improving Environmental Performance

This Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) webinar will share the advanced solutions for improving the environmental performance.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Safety-related Technologies (Part 3)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Building Information Modelling (BIM), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved safety-related technologies.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Advanced Tools and Equipment (Part 5)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Advanced Construction Technologies (ACT) and Prefabricated Steel Rebar (STB), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved advanced tools and equipment.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Smart Site Safety Systems (4S) & Pre-approved Sensors & IoT Products (Part 3)

This briefing will introduce the Smart Site Safety System (4S) including the 4S packages and new funding support etc., and CITF pre-approved sensors and IoT products.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Most Commonly Applied Pre-approved Technologies among SMEs (Part 2)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Building Information Modelling (BIM), and the application procedures etc. and most commonly applied pre-approved technologies among SMEs.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Smart Site Safety Systems (4S) & Pre-approved Digitalisation Technologies (Part 4)

This briefing will introduce the Smart Site Safety System (4S) including the 4S packages and new funding support etc., and CITF pre-approved digitalisation technologies.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) - Advanced Solutions for Uplifting Built Quality

In this webinar, the users and vendors will share their successful cases on advanced solutions for uplifting build quality which applied to their local projects.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Advanced Tools and Equipment (Part 4)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved advanced tools and equipment.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Smart Site Safety Systems (4S) & Pre-approved Safety-related Technologies (Part 2)

This briefing will introduce the Smart Site Safety System (4S) including the 4S packages and new funding support etc., and CITF pre-approved safety-related technologies.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing  on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Advanced Construction Materials and Other Products

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Advanced Construction Technologies (ACT) and Prefabricated Steel Rebar (STB), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved advanced construction materials and other products.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Smart Site Safety Systems (4S) & Pre-approved Automation & Robotics Products (Part 2)

This briefing will introduce the Smart Site Safety System (4S) including the 4S packages and new funding support etc., and CITF Pre-approved automation and robotics products.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Sharing on Manpower Development (Part 1)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Manpower Development (MPD), the application procedures etc. and sharing on manpower development.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) - Successful Cases Sharing on Advanced Solutions for Enhancing Site Safety

In this webinar, the users and vendors will share their successful cases on advanced solutions for enhancing site safety which applied to their local projects.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Smart Site Safety Systems (4S) & Pre-approved Advanced Tools and Equipment (Part 3)

This briefing will introduce the Smart Site Safety System (4S) including the 4S packages and new funding support etc., and CITF pre-approved advanced tools and equipment.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Smart Site Safety Systems (4S) & Most Commonly Applied Pre-approved Technologies among SMEs (Part 1)

This briefing will introduce the Smart Site Safety System (4S) including the 4S packages and new funding support etc., and most commonly applied pre-approved technologies among SMEs.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Smart Site Safety System (4S) & Pre-approved Sensors & loT Products (Part 2)

This briefing will introduce the Smart Site Safety System (4S) including the 4S packages and funding support etc., and CITF pre-approved sensors and loT products.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Smart Site Safety System (4S) & Pre-approved Digitalisation Technologies (Part 2)

This briefing will introduce the Smart Site Safety System (4S) including the 4S packages and funding support etc., and CITF pre-approved digitalisation technologies.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Smart Site Safety System (4S) & Pre-approved Advanced Tools and Equipment (Part 2)

This briefing will introduce the Smart Site Safety System (4S) including the 4S packages and funding support etc., and CITF pre-approved advanced tools and quipment.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Safety-related Technologies (Part 1)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Building Information Modelling (BIM), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved safety-related technologies.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Automation & Robotics Products (Part 1)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Advanced Construction Technologies (ACT) and Prefabricated Steel Rebar (STB), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved automation and robotics products.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Sensors & IoT Products (Part 1)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved sensors and IoT products.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Digitalisation Technologies (Part 1)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Building Information Modelling (BIM), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved digitalisation technologies.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Advanced Tools and Equipment (Part 1)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope Advanced Construction Technologies (ACT), and Prefabricated Steel Rebar (STB), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved advanced tools and equipment.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Funding Support on Manpower Development under the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF)

This briefing will introduce the funding details on manpower development including the funding modes, ceilings, application procedures and tips of application.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) – Successful Cases Sharing on Advanced Solutions for Improving Environmental Performance

In this webinar, the users and vendors will share their successful cases on advanced solutions for improving environmental performance which applied to their local projects.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Safety-related Technologies (Part 3)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Building Information Modelling (BIM), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved safety-related technologies.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) – Successful Cases Sharing on Advanced Solutions for Uplifting Built Quality

In this webinar, the users and vendors will share their successful cases on advanced solutions for uplifting built quality which applied to their local projects.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Sensors & IoT Products (Part 3)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved sensors and IoT products.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Most Commonly Applied Pre-approved Technologies among SMEs (Part 2)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Building Information Modelling (BIM), and the application procedures etc. and most commonly applied pre-approved technologies among SMEs.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Digitalisation Technologies (Part 4)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope Advanced Construction Technologies (ACT), and Prefabricated Steel Rebar (STB), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved digitalisation technologies.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Advanced Tools and Equipment (Part 4)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved advanced tools and equipment.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Safety-related Technologies (part 2)

This briefing webinar will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Building Information Modelling (BIM), and the application procedures etc. and CITF Pre-approved Safety-related Technologies.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on CITF & Pre-approved Advanced Construction Materials and Other Products

This will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Advanced Construction Technologies (ACT) and Prefabricated Steel Rebar (STB), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved advanced construction materials and other product.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Automation & Robotics Products (Part 2)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved automation and robotics products.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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"CIC - See What I See" |  Creating Homes for Sustainable Living

Join us for the "CIC - See What I See" talk featuring Mr. James CHAN, CEO and Executive Director of the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS), as he revisits HKHS' social innovation heritage and shares their approach in fostering an inclusive community and providing a sustainable and liveable environment. In addition, hear from industry practitioners who have successfully transitioned their careers to the construction industry and learn about their experiences and insights.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman, Construction Industry Council (Opening Remarks)

Mr. James CHAN, CEO and Executive Director, Hong Kong Housing Society



Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Digitalisation Technologies (Part 3)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Building Information Modelling (BIM), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved digitalisation and technologies.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Funding Support on Manpower Development under the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF)

This briefing webinar will introduce the funding details on manpower development including the funding modes, ceilings, application procedures and tips of application.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) - Successful Cases Sharing on Advanced Solutions for Enhancing Site Safety

In this webinar, the users and vendors will share their successful cases on advanced solutions for enhancing site safety which applied to their local projects.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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"CIC - See What I See" | Hong Kong's Mega Future

To capitalise on the opportunities brought by the Greater Bay Area development, Hong Kong has deployed ambitious plans to develop its infrastructure and economy with a focus on innovation and technology. At this "CIC - See What I See" talk, Hon Regina IP, Legislative Council member and the Convenor of the Executive Council, will discuss further regarding "Hong Kong's Mega Future".

You can also hear from alumni of Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC) on their views on future opportunities of the construction industry.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman, Construction Industry Council (Opening Remarks)

Hon Regina IP, Legislative Council Member and Convenor of the Executive Council



Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Advanced Tools and Equipment (Part 3)

This briefing webinar will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Advanced Construction Technologies (ACT) and Prefabricated Steel Rebar (STB), and the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved advanced tools and equipment.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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"CIC - See What I See" | The Past, Present and Future of AI and Its Implications in Construction

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the construction industry has been growing rapidly in recent years, with applications ranging from design and planning to project management and safety monitoring. At this "CIC - See What I See" talk, Prof. MA Yi will provide an overview of how AI has been used in construction so far, the current state of the technology, what we can expect in the future, and the implications for our industry stakeholders.

Alumni students of the HKIC Master Class will also share their perspectives on how the course has contributed to their career development and their views of applying AI in construction.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman, Construction Industry Council (Opening Remarks)

Prof. MA Yi, Director & Chair Professor, HKU Musketeers Foundation Institute of Data Science



Webinar on BIM Talks: CIC Celebration of BIM Achievement 2022– Sharing by BIM Projects Winners

The Construction Industry Council (CIC)'s goal of organising BIM Talks is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are related to the successful implementation of BIM in real life, and on a wide range of topics to accelerate BIM adoption. BIM experts of different background from the industry will be invited to share their "how-to-BIM" experience in BIM Talks.

This year, we will invite Project Category Winners of the CIC Celebration of BIM Achievement 2022 to share their BIM transformation initiatives and benefits, outcomes and performance that BIM brought to their projects.

Prof. Jack CHENG, Chairperson, Committee on BIM, Construction Industry Council 

Mr. Joe LEE, Senior Project BIM Manager of Hip Hing Engineering Co Ltd 

Ir Jason CHEUNG, Deputy Project Manager of Hip Hing Engineering Co Ltd 

Mr. Kelvin KUO, BIM Manager, China State Construction Science and Technology Limited 

Mr. YIP Hing-lun, Deputy Design Manager, China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited

Sr Shirley TAM, Maintenance Surveyor/ Heritage 2, Architectural Services Department

Sr Bill TANG, Maintenance Surveyor/ Building Information Modelling, Architectural Services Department

Time: 3:00pm - 4:45pm

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Webinar on BIM Talks: CIC Celebration of BIM Achievement 2022– Sharing by BIM Projects Winners

The Construction Industry Council (CIC)'s goal of organising BIM Talks is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are related to the successful implementation of BIM in real life, and on a wide range of topics to accelerate BIM adoption. BIM experts of different background from the industry will be invited to share their "how-to-BIM" experience in BIM Talks.

This year, we will invite Project Category Winners of the CIC Celebration of BIM Achievement 2022 to share their BIM transformation initiatives and benefits, outcomes and performance that BIM brought to their projects.

Ar. Prof. Ada FUNG, Former Chairperson, Committee on BIM, Construction Industry Council 

Representatives from Project Category Winners

Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm

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"CIC - See What I See" | The Use of Technology and MiC

The Government has been actively promoting the adoption of the Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) in building projects, with the objectives of improving construction safety, enhancing efficiency and quality of construction, and bringing a wide range of environmental benefits. During this episode of "CIC - See What I See" talk, Ar. Donald CHOI, Executive Director & CEO of Chinachem Group, will share with the audience his valuable experience as Hong Kong’s first developer in adopting concrete MiC in private residential projects.

Alumni of HKIC students will also share with us on how master classes helped them with their career and their views on youth development.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman, Construction Industry Council (Opening Remarks)

Ar. Donald CHOI, Executive Director & CEO of Chinachem Group



Construction Innovation and Technology Fund - Successful Case Sharing on Advanced Solutions for Boosting Productivity

This Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) webinar will share the advanced solutions for boosting the productivity.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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"CIC - See What I See" | Design for Future, Build for Life

As the community is actively discussing how to upgrade Hong Kong construction industry, enhance local competitiveness and our home city's liveability, in the upcoming episode of "CIC - See What I See" talk, Ms. Bernadette LINN, Secretary for Development, will share with us her insights on how to shape the future of Hong Kong.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman, Construction Industry Council (Opening Remarks)

Ms. Bernadette LINN, Secretary for Development



Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Safety-related Technologies (part 1)

This briefing webinar will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Building Information Modelling (BIM), and the application procedures etc. and CITF Pre-approved Safety-related Technologies.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Israel Construction Technology Webinar

The Construction Industry Council (CIC) and the Economic and Commercial Mission of the Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong co-organise this webinar to foster connections between high-tech Israel companies with cutting-edge construction technologies and the industry practitioners in Hong Kong.

Six high-tech Israel companies will showcase their latest technologies and innovative solutions in construction with the industry practitioners. All stakeholders of the construction industry including developers, consultants, contractors, investors and technology vendors, etc. are welcome to participate in the webinar.

Ms. Einav NIXON, Commercial Consul & Head of Economic and Commercial Mission, Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong

Ir Albert CHENG, Executive Director, Construction Industry Council

Ir Andrew YOUNG, Associate Director (Innovation) Innovation Department, Sino Land Company Limited

Representatives from 6 Israeli companies:







Time: 2:30pm - 4:45pm

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"CIC - See What I See" | Going Green and Smart – A Private Developer’s Perspective

In recent years, local property developers have been attaching great importance to sustainability in their developments, and leading innovative social and environmental initiatives. In our upcoming “See What I See” talk, Mr. Robert CHAN, Executive Director of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, will share with the audience the experience in green and smart developments from a private developer’s perspective.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman, Construction Industry Council (Opening Remarks)

Mr. Robert CHAN, Executive Director, Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited



Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Automation & Robotics Products (part 1)

This briefing webinar will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Advanced Construction Technologies (ACT) and Prefabricated Steel Rebar(STB), and the application procedures etc. and CITF Pre-approved Automation and Robotics Products.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Sensors and IoT Products (part 1)

This briefing webinar will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), and the application procedures etc. and CITF Pre-approved Sensors and IoT Products.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Digitalisation Technologies (part 1)

This briefing webinar will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Building Information Modelling (BIM), and the application procedures etc. and CITF Pre-approved Digitalisation Technologies.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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"CIC - See What I See" | Transformation of HKIA - From a City Airport into an Airport City

Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), a leading international aviation hub, is pivotal in propelling Hong Kong’s economic growth and its continuous development as one of the world’s most vibrant cities. Ir Ricky LEUNG, Executive Director, Engineering & Technology of Airport Authority Hong Kong, will talk about the transformation of HKIA from a city airport into an Airport City. Adapting the latest construction technology and innovations, the Airport City will be developed into a destination in itself, a centre of technovation and a high-value cargo hub that turbocharges future growth for Hong Kong and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman, Construction Industry Council (Opening Remarks)

Ir Ricky LEUNG, Executive Director, Engineering & Technology, Airport Authority Hong Kong



Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Advanced Tools & Equipment (part 1)

This briefing webinar will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope of Advanced Construction Technologies (ACT) and Prefabricated Steel Rebar(STB), and the application procedures etc. and CITF Pre-approved Advenced Tools and Equipment.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Common Mistakes in Application

This briefing webinar will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope, modes and ceilings, the application procedures etc. and common mistakes in application.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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"CIC - See What I See" | Tell Good Stories of Hong Kong - The New Chapter of the Construction Industry

Ir Ricky Lau, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), shares with us his insights on our journey into a new chapter of the construction sector, and on writing the good stories of our industry and Hong Kong together.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman, Construction Industry Council (Opening Remarks)

Ir Ricky LAU, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works)



Drive Green Transformation of Construction Industry – SFCS

Green development has become one of the major market trends in recent years.  How can the construction industry make use of the sustainable financial market to achieve carbon neutrality and enhance its competitiveness at the same time, thus transforming Hong Kong into a green financial city?

In this episode of CIC Power Talk, we are delighted to invite the representative from HSBC Hong Kong Commercial Banking and CECEP Environmental Consulting Group Limited to share about the sustainable finance certification scheme and some real case examples. 

Ms. Carrie NG, Head of Sustainable Finance of HSBC Hong Kong Commercial Banking


Ms. Joy SONG, Vice General Manager of CECEP Environmental Consulting Group Limited



Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Advanced Tools & Equipment (part 5)

This briefing webinar will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope, modes and ceilings, the application procedures etc. and CITF Pre-approved Advenced Tools and Equipment.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

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Application of MiC: Opportunities and Challenges

In this webinar, we are honoured to have representatives from different aspects, including project client, architect, structural engineer and contractor to share their experience on adopting MiC and how they turn challenges into opportunities.

Ir Thomas TONG, Assistant Director of Construction Industry Council

Ar. Matt NG, Director of Ronald LU & Partners
Ir Wilson CHEUNG, Director of Wilson & Associates Limited

Ir Sammy LAI, Director of  Gammon Construction Limited

Mr. David LAU, Project Director of Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited



Hong Kong 3D Digital Map Development and Applications

The 3D digital map, which is an important part of Geographic Information System (GIS) , allows users to build a "real" city in a digital environment. GIS can also evaluate and analyze geographical factors that affecting a project which help improving project quality, accuracy, efficiency and productivity.

In this episode of CIC Power Talk, we are delighted to invite the representative from the Lands Department to share the development and applications of 3D digital maps in Hong Kong. 

Mr. CHANG Kwok-fai, Deputy Director / Survey & Mapping, Lands Department



"CIC - See What I See" | New Transport Network for Hong Kong

Mr. LAM Sai-hung, Secretary for Transport and Logistics, will discuss the new development of Hong Kong’s future transport network by sea, land and air, the role of the construction industry in related projects, and how such development can enhance Hong Kong’s interconnectivity among the Greater Bay Area and with the world, supporting the advancement for the Hong Kong logistics industry.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman, Construction Industry Council (Opening Remarks)

Mr. LAM Sai-hung, Secretary for Transport and Logistics



CIC Sustainable Finance Certification Scheme (SFCS) Webinar Series - Practical Guideline and Tips

Green and sustainability financing is a trending financing means available for the construction industry to obtain capitals with multiple benefits, both financially and non-financially. 

In this seminar, we are delighted to invite representative from the Hang Seng Bank to share with us their green and sustainable financial instruments, while representative from SGS will provide practical guideline and tips for companies to go for sustainable finance, illustrated with real case examples.

Mr. Andrew LAU, Deputy Head of Syndicated Finance, Sustainable Finance and Corporate Advisory Department, Hang Seng Bank

Mr. Billy CHENG, Project Manager, Sustainability, SGS

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm

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CONDUCTOR for Smart Site Management 

In this webinar, representative from Swire Properties - Mr. Raymond KWOK and representative from Arup - Mr. Felix CHAN, to jointly share with us their integrated smart construction management platform CONDUCTOR that brings together a variety of tools under a standardized data collection framework to generate holistic insights behind. The platform was designed for open collaboration which covers modules on site safety, smart management and site sustainability.

Mr. Raymond KWOK, MEP & Innovation Head of Swire Properties 

Mr. Felix CHAN, Senior Consultant of Arup 



Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Advanced Tools & Equipment (Part 3)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope, modes and ceilings, the application procedures etc. and CITF Pre-approved advanced tools and equipment.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

Join i-Club and Register


"CIC - See What I See" | Too Hot to Bear, Time to Act!

Mr. Kevin O'BRIEN, Chairman of Business Environment Council, looks at the global warming issue through the lens of the construction industry, and explores how a combination of smart design, innovative engineering and new technology and tools can and will help deliver sustainable construction projects that make Hong Kong proud.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman, Construction Industry Council (Opening Remarks)

Mr. Kevin O'BRIEN, Chairman, Business Environment Council



CIC Webinar on BIM Talks: CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 - Sharing by Organisation Category Awardees

The Construction Industry Council (CIC)'s goal of organising BIM Talks is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are related to the successful implementation of BIM in real life, and on a wide range of topics to accelerate BIM adoption. BIM experts of different background from the industry will be invited to share their "how-to-BIM" experience in BIM Talks.

This year, we will invite Organisation category awardees of the CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 to share their BIM transformation initiatives and benefits, outcomes and performance that BIM brought to their organisation.

Ar. Prof. Ada FUNG Chairperson, Committee on BIM, Construction Industry Council 

Mr. Eric CHEUNG, Head of Innovation, ATAL Engineering Group 

Mr. Simon NG, Head of BIM, China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Ltd. 

Mr. Billy WONG, General Manager (BIM), Hip Hing Construction Co. Ltd.

Mr. James THOMPSON, Head of Digital, Gammon Construction Limited

Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Join i-Club and Register


Webinar on Work Safety of Temporary Works and Tower Cranes

The Development Bureau and the Construction Industry Council are highly concerned about the recent fatal accidents related to the temporary works and tower crane safety in the construction industry. The Development Bureau, Construction Industry Council and Labour Department will jointly organise a webinar in the morning of 16 September 2022, with a view to enhancing the safety awareness of the industry stakeholders on the safety of temporary works and tower cranes.

Mr. CHAN Chi-ho, Representative of Labour Department

 Mr. NG Kwok-ming, Representative of Hong Kong Tower Crane Association

 Ir Francis YAU, Representative of The Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong

 Mr. Chris CHENG, Chairman of Temporary Works Forum 

Mr. David SEIN, Representative of Temporary Works Forum

 Mr. Bread LIN, Senior Safety Manager, Airport Authority Hong Kong

 Mr. Dickey YAU, TRD Project 3302 : Project Manager, China Road and Bridge Corporation



Digitalisation and its Implementation - Kai Tak Sports Park 

Two representatives from Hip Hing Engineering Company Limited are invited to share their experience on technologies adopted in Kai Tak Sports Park project, including Digital Twin and Common Data Environment (CDE) etc., to improve the construction progress and management effectiveness; it will also include the sharing on how they drive other stakeholders to the digitalisation journey. 

Ir Kelvin KO, Project Director (Kai Tak Sports Park), Hip Hing Engineering Company Limited

Mr. Billy WONG, General Manager (BIM), Hip Hing Engineering Company Limited 

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 



Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Automation & Robotics Products (part 3)

This briefing webinar will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope, modes and ceilings, the application procedures etc. and CITF Pre-approved automation and robotics products.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

Join i-Club and Register


"CIC - See What I See" | URA 2.0

Urban decay is a perennial issue in Hong Kong that is increasingly challenging and complicated to tackle. Ir WAI Chi-sing, Managing Director of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA), will elaborate on the prevailing urban renewal challenges of Hong Kong, and share with us the URA's interim solutions and new approaches in alleviating the situation and transforming Hong Kong into a more sustainable smart city.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman, Construction Industry Council (Opening Remarks)

Ir WAI Chi-sing, Managing Director, Urban Renewal Authority



Construction‧Innovation‧Technology─The Hong Kong Palace Museum

The Hong Kong Palace Museum, located in the West Kowloon Cultural District, is the first overseas cooperation project of the Palace Museum in Beijing. The museum is solidifying its status as an arts and cultural hub and a platform for international cultural exchange in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and beyond. The project is interwoven with an avant-garde theme and high-quality management spirit using innovative techniques to reinterpret Chinese tradition's visual and spatial aesthetics. It implemented BIM, information management, and innovative construction in multiple ways during the construction process.

In this episode of the CIC Power Talk, our honorable speakers from China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited will share the details from the efficient design to the innovative technology of this project.

Mr. WANG Yong, Assistant General Manager, China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited Building Construction Department



Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Sensors & IoT Products (Part 2)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope, modes and ceilings, the application procedures etc. and CITF Pre-approved sensors and IoT products.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

Join i-Club and Register


"CIC - See What I See" | Building the Next Generation MTR Lines

Having established in Hong Kong over 40 years ago, MTR now operates railways globally in 9 metropolitan cities. Building on the experience in Hong Kong and around the world, MTR will be developing the next generation railway lines for Hong Kong. Dr. Jacob Kam will share with the audience some of his insights in the planning of the new lines and community development along the lines.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman, Construction Industry Council (Opening Remarks)

Dr. Jacob KAM, Chief Executive Officer, MTR Corporation Limited



Webinar on BIM Talks: CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 - Organisation Category Awardees' Sharing

The Construction Industry Council (CIC)'s goal of organising BIM Talks is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are related to the successful implementation of BIM in real life, and on a wide range of topics to accelerate BIM adoption. BIM experts of different background from the industry will be invited to share their "how-to-BIM" experience in BIM Talks.

This year, we will invite Organisation category awardees of the CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 to share their BIM transformation initiatives and benefits, outcomes and performance that BIM brought to their organisation.

Ar. Prof. Ada FUNG, Chairperson, Committee on BIM, Construction Industry Council 

Sr Katherine SHUM, Director, Rider Levett Bucknall Limited

Ms. Can LEUNG, Technical Director, digital AECOM, AECOM

Mr. Ray NG, East Asia Region BIM Lead, Arup



Webinar on Safety of Working at Height

The Development Bureau, Construction Industry Council, Labour Department and Buildings Department will jointly organise a webinar in the morning of 14 July 2022, with a view to enhancing the safety awareness of the industry stakeholders on working at height. The speakers, including regulator, client and contractor, will share the topic “Safety of Working at Height” from different perspectives.

Mr CHAN Hing-fai, Divisional Occupational Safety Officer, Labour Department

 Ms LAM Wan-ching, Senior Building Surveyor, Buildings Department

Mr Jesse HAU, Chief Property Safety & Quality Manager, MTR Corporation Limited

Mr Alan MO, Construction Manager, Gammon Construction Limited

Mr Thomas TONG, Assistant Director – Industry Development, Construction Industry Council



Rotational Bridge Launching at The Yoho Hub

The Rotational Bridge Launching at The Yoho Hub, won The HKIE Innovation Award 2022 Grand Prize (Category II – An Innovative Application of Engineering Theories) and The YOHO Hub is one of the biggest transit-oriented residential development in Hong Kong. The development is located at MTR Yuen Long Station and spilt into two portions.

Erecting the two bridges in extremely close proximity to transport hub facilities requires an innovative method to overcome the engineering challenges. The YOHO Hub is the first ever construction project adopted “Rotational Bridge Launching Method” in Hong Kong. In this episode of the CIC Power Talk, our honorable speakers from Sanfield (Management) Limited (member of Sun Hung Kai Properties Group) will share on the design of safety on this innovation construction method and the roles and responsibilities for the key stakeholders of this project.

Ir HO K.H. Eddie, Deputy General Manager of Sanfield (Management) Limited



Webinar on Safety of Suspended Working Platform (Gondola)

The Development Bureau and the Construction Industry Council, Labour Department, Architectural Services Department, Housing Authority, Hong Kong Professional Gondola Association and Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies will jointly organise a webinar on 20 June 2022, with a view to enhancing the safety awareness of the industry stakeholders on the use of suspended working platform (gondola).  

Mr. David LAM, Divisional Occupational Safety Officer, Labour Department 

Dr. Ben HO, Deputy General Manager, China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited

Mr. Amos LUK, Maintenance Surveyor (SC), Hong Kong Housing Authority

Mr. Antony LO, Vice Chairman, The Hong Kong Professional Gondola Association

Mr. Alex YEUNG, Safety Manager, Chun Wo Building Construction Limited

Ms Iris LEE, Assistant Safety Officer, Chun Wo Building Construction Limited

 Mr. Allan WONG, Council Member, Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies



Recent Development on Corrosion Protection and Monitoring for MiC Buildings in Hong Kong

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) is the approach that provides a great degree of production quality control and can improve construction productivity, safety, and sustainability. There is no doubt this construction method is getting more common in Hong Kong, which raises a concern about its maintenance and monitoring technology of the MiC building’s durability. In this episode of the CIC Power Talk, our honourable speakers will share their insights on the corrosion protection development of MiC in Hong Kong as well as the monitoring practices on MiC projects. 

Prof. CHUNG Kwok-fai, Director of Chinese National Engineering Research Centre for Steel Construction (Hong Kong Branch) 

Mr. Felix TANG, Project & Development Director of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation



"CIC - See What I See" | Turning Impossible to Possible: Construction of Community Isolation Facilities

Ms. Winnie HO, Director of Architectural Services, will share with us her insights on how innovative construction technologies will transform the construction industry of Hong Kong via a case study of the adoption of MMC, MiC and MiMEP in the construction of community isolation facilities in Hong Kong.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of Construction Industry Council (Opening Remarks)

Ms. Winnie HO, Director of Architectural Services



Webinar on Site Safety Measures for Working in Hot Weather

In April 2022, the Committee on Construction Safety of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) issued the Guidelines on Site Safety Measures for Working in Hot Weather (Version 4) which recommended measures for enhancing the safety of working in hot weather. The CIC will organise a webinar, inviting industry stakeholders to share their practical experience in the safety measures for working in hot weather. Participants are expected to have a better understanding on the topic to further strengthen the prevention of heat stroke among workers.

Mr. LEUNG Wai-hung, Pingo, Occupational Hygienist Labour Department 

Mr. KWOK Chi-kong, Ben, Manager, Safety, Third Runway Division, Airport Authority Hong Kong

 Mr. KWOK Wai-fung, Alfred, Construction Safety Engineer, Third Runway Division, Airport Authority Hong Kong

 Mr. WONG Chi-lok, Senior Safety Manager, Chun Wo Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd.

Time:3:30pm - 4:30pm



Briefing on Construction Innovation an

d Technology Fund (CITF) & Most Commonly Applied Pre-approved Technologies among SMEs (part 2)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope, modes and ceilings, the application procedures etc. and most commonly applied pre-approved technologies among SMEs (Part 2).

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 



Webinar on BIM Talks: CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 - Organisation Category Awardees' Sharing

The Construction Industry Council (CIC)'s goal of organising BIM Talks is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are related to the successful implementation of BIM in real life, and on a wide range of topics to accelerate BIM adoption. BIM experts of different background from the industry will be invited to share their "how-to-BIM" experience in BIM Talks. This year, we will invite Organisation category awardees of the CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 to share their BIM transformation initiatives and benefits, outcomes and performance that BIM brought to their organisation.

Ar. Prof. Ada FUNG, Chairperson, Committee on BIM, Construction Industry Council

Ir Dr. Llewellyn TANG, Founder and CEO, Llewellyn & Partners Co. Ltd.

Mr. Harris SUN, CEO, RaSpect Intelligence Inspection Limited

Mr. Terence LUI, CEO, Varadise Limited



MMC Webinar: New Approach for Concrete Early Strength Estimation by Maturity Method

In Hong Kong, the most typical method adopted to determine the in-situ strength of concrete is to make test cubes from fresh concrete and then carry out compression testing for those concrete cubes. Could you imagine the contractors can utilize a concrete sensor to gain inside knowledge of what exactly is happening in their concrete, like a health monitor stuck inside producing vital readouts of the inner workings of the mix reporting on temperature, and analyzing data to estimate maturity levels?

Ir Andy WONG, Head of Digital G, Gammon Construction Limited

Mr. Nuno Filipe FERREIRA, Associate, Arup

Time: 4:00pm - 5:15pm



Transforming the Construction Industry with Artificial Intelligence

In this episode of the CIC Power Talk, we are delighted to invite representatives from REC Engineering Company Limited - Ir Antonio CHAN and Ir Jo CHIU, to jointly share with us their knowledge and project experiences on Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) applications such as Energy Optimization Solution, Video Analytics and other potential applications, as well as how the A.I. applications could bring transformation to the construction industry especially construction safety.

Ir Antonio CHAN, Deputy Managing Director of REC Engineering Company Limited

Ir Jo CHIU, Manager of REC Engineering Company Limited

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm



Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Non-pre-approved Technologies

This briefing webinar will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope, modes and ceilings, the application procedures etc. and examples of non-pre-approved technologies.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 



Webinar on BIM Talks: CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 - Organisation Category Awardees' Sharing

The Construction Industry Council (CIC)'s goal of organising BIM Talks is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are related to the successful implementation of BIM in real life, and on a wide range of topics to accelerate BIM adoption. BIM experts of different background from the industry will be invited to share their "how-to-BIM" experience in BIM Talks.

This year, we will invite Organisation category awardees of the CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 to share their BIM transformation initiatives and benefits, outcomes and performance that BIM brought to their organisation.

Gold : The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Silver : iLab@HKU: The finest lab that catalyses construction digital transformation

Bronze : City University of Hong Kong (Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering)

Bronze : Transcendence Company Limited



How a Traditional SME Transforms to Digitalised Consultant Company?

This briefing will introduce how a traditional SME uses digital technologies in their projects, as well as the difficulties and challenges encountered in the journey to success. 

Ir Vincent TAM, Director of Wings & Associates Consulting Engineers Limited 

Mr. Kevin WONG, Head of Project Information Management of Wings & Associates Consulting Engineers Limited



Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Automation & Robotics Products

This briefing webinar will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope, modes and ceilings, the application procedures etc. and CITF Pre-approved automation and robotics products.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 



Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Advanced Tools & Equipment (Part 1)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope, modes and ceilings, the application procedures etc. and CITF Pre-approved advanced tools and equipment (Part 1).

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 



Winners' sharing of CIC Outstanding Contractor Award 2021

The first Construction Oscar, Outstanding Contractor Award recognized a number of outstanding contractors for their achievements in driving innovation, fostering professionalism, injecting revitalisation and upholding corporate governance, in their operations and contribution to the industry and the society.

In this episode of the CIC Power Talk, we’re glad to invite 3 award winners to share their insights on what makes an outstanding contractor in today's construction industry.

Mr. TSUI Tsz Yeung, Ian, Director of Richwell Engineering Limited

Mr. SHAO Ruizhe, Assistant President of China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited

Ir Victor LAW, Managing Director of ATAL Engineering Group



Briefing on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) & Pre-approved Safety-related Technologies (Part 1)

This briefing will introduce the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) including the funding scope, modes and ceilings, the application procedures etc. and CITF pre-approved safety-related technologies (Part 1).

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm 



Reducing Hong Kong's Carbon Footprint with LNG

In order to cope with the Government of HKSAR’s target to reduce the use of coal in power generation fuel mix and associated carbon footprint in 2030, CLP and HKE proposed to increase the use of natural gas in their power generation portfolio.  An Offshore terminal is under construction in Southwest Hong Kong to provide the necessary infrastructure to increase the use of natural gas.  The offshore facility will provide an offshore jetty for berthing of a Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) which will provide storage and regasification facility for importing liquified natural gas.

 In this episode of the CIC Power Talk, the speaker will share the challenges they faced in the project and how local authorities and industry assisted to overcome the challenges.

Mr. Daman LEE, Director - Project Development, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited



CITF Briefing for Pioneering Application in Hong Kong

This briefing webinar will introduce the funding scheme for Pioneering Application in Hong Kong, covering the details on its objectives, target beneficiaries, application requirements, funding scope and application procedures.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm



Webinar on Truss-out Bamboo Scaffolding Safety

The Construction Industry Council (CIC) had reviewed the typical design and the erection of truss-out bamboo scaffolds, and issued the Guidelines on Safety Enhancement and Notification Arrangement of Truss-out Bamboo Scaffolds in September 2021, with an aim to recommend good practices for the erection of truss-out bamboo scaffolds and formulate safety guidelines on the critical items requiring additional attention. 

The CIC will organise a webinar to strengthen the communication with property management practitioners and the related promotions. Participants are expected to have a better understanding on the safety requirements and notification arrangements of truss-out bamboo scaffolding, so as to prevent future accidents.

Mr. LAU Wai-chau, Senior Divisional Occupational Safety Officer (Development)2, Labour Department 

Ms. Christina LUI, Labour Officer, Labour Inspection Division, Labour Department

 Ms Diana PANG, General Manager (Regulatory), Property Management Services Authority

 Mr. Allan WONG, Council Member, The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies

 Mr. Ray TSUI, Senior Consultant, Occupational Safety And Health Council

 Mr. Yen CHUNG, Assistant Manager – Industry Development, Construction Industry Council

Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm



CITF Introduction and Most Commonly applied Pre-approved Technologies among SMEs

This briefing webinar will introduce the CITF enhancement measures, covering details on uplifted ceilings, enhanced funding scope and application procedures and most commonly applied CITF pre-approved technologies among SMEs.

Representative of Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF)

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm



Sharing on Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O - Main Bridge and Associated Works

The Construction Industry Council (CIC) organised the inaugural CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 to recognise outstanding local projects and local organisations for their achievements in digitalisation and innovation to improve construction productivity, quality, sustainability and safety. 

Gold award winner of the Project category, Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O - Main Bridge and Associated Works demonstrated the potential of Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) and prefabrication while adopting digitalised tools such as BIM, IoT, 3D surveying, robotics and automation in the construction and electronic site inspection system to enhance efficiency and quality. We have invited the project team to conduct sharing at this Power Talk.

Ir Michael LEUNG, Project Manager (East), Civil Engineering and Development Department

Dr. Robin SHAM, Director, Global Long Span and Specialty Bridges, AECOM

Ir WANG Yan-hua, Managing Director, China Road and Bridge Corporation (Hong Kong)



CEO Safety Forum

The Construction Industry Council aims to enhance safety awareness and raise safety standards in the construction industry.

As the communication platform for the construction industry in Hong Kong, the CIC will organise a “CEO Safety Forum” to discuss and exchange ideas on improving construction safety with different key industry stakeholders. In this time, speakers will share their ideas on the topic “How can we have clear safety roles and responsibilities in the Hong Kong construction industry” during the Forum.

Ir Dr. Derrick PANG, Chairperson, Committee on Construction Safety, Construction Industry Council


 Top management of Construction Industry



Site Safety Gathering -Webinar on Safety of Confined Space Work

The Development Bureau and the Construction Industry Council are highly concerned about the recent fatal accidents in the construction industry involving work in confined space.

In this connection, we will organise a webinar to introduce relevant precautionary measures and urge stakeholders to take a holistic review on site safety. Participants are expected to have a better understanding on the safety requirements for high risk activities, particularly work in confined space, with a view to minimising the recurrence of similar accidents.

Mr. WONG Chi-ching, Labour Department

Mr. IP Yiu-man,  Build King Construction Limited

Dr. LEE Kwong-sing, Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees General Union



Site Safety Gathering - Recent Accident and Safety Sharing

The Development Bureau and the Construction Industry Council are highly concerned about the recent fatal accidents in the construction industry, involving different kinds of high risk activities. 

In this connection, we will organise a sharing webinar with speakers from the Labour Department and industry stakeholders to review recent accident cases and introduce relevant precautionary measures. Participants are expected to have a better understanding on the safety requirements for high risk activities, with a view to minimising the recurrence of similar accidents.

Ir Dr. Derrick PANG, Chairperson, Committee on Construction Safety, Construction Industry Council 

Mr. LEE Wing-keung, Deputy Chief Occupational Safety Officer, Labour Department 

Mr. Glenn HO, Regional Director, Terex Aerial Work Platform 

Mr. NG Ka-po, Safety Manager, China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited 

Mr. Tony LAM, Senior Manager – Industry Development, Construction Industry Council



CITF Talent Connect Webinar II

In this webinar, professors from two universities will share their experience on using the CITF to support students to try new constrcution technologies such as robotics in their studies, encourage the prospective built professionals to harness technology.

Prof. Adam FINGRUT, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Prof. Kristof CROLLA, The university of Hong Kong

Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm



Catalysing Innovation in Construction and Real Estate Sector

In 2022, the second Construction Innovation Expo and the CIC Construction Innovation Award 2022 will be organised to showcase how the industry keep abreast of the times in adopting innovative technologies and embracing the cultural change. Ir Ken WONG, the Chairperson of the CIC Committee on Productivity, will introduce these two signature events in this Power Talk. 

Besides, two industry leaders in construction and real estate sector will share their corporate innovation roadmaps, their ambition, strategies developed and challenges faced, for developing an innovation eco-system within the industry.

Ir Ken WONG, Chairperson, Committee on Productivity, CIC

Ir Andrew YOUNG, Associate Director (Innovation), Sino Group

Ir Dr. Ricky TSUI, Director of R&D East Asia, Ove Arup & Partners HK Ltd



Innovation in Practice Webinar: CITF Introduction and Automatic Bar Bending Machine Case Sharing

This seminar aims to promote the awareness of the CITF and help the industry to apply for the Fund. We also invite speaker to share his experience on using automatic bar mending machine.

Mr. Francis WONG, Project Manager, Unistress Building Construction Limited

Time: 4:00pm - 4:45pm



Security of Payment Provisions in Public Works Contracts Briefing Session on Works Technical Circular

(Subcontractor Session 2)

(Chinese only)

發展局已發出工務技術通告(Technical Circular (Works) No. 6/2021),所有於2021年12月31日或以後邀請丙組或乙組認可公共工程承建商投標 或 於2022年4月1日或以後邀請甲組認可公共工程承建商或認可公共工程物料供應商及專門承造商投標的工務工程合約,以及其工程分包合約,將加入付款保障相關的合約條款。



Representatives of Development Bureau



Security of Payment Provisions in Public Works Contracts Briefing Session on Works Technical Circular

(Consultant Session)

(Chinese only)

發展局已發出工務技術通告(Technical Circular (Works) No. 6/2021),所有於2021年12月31日或以後邀請丙組或乙組認可公共工程承建商投標 或 於2022年4月1日或以後邀請甲組認可公共工程承建商或認可公共工程物料供應商及專門承造商投標的工務工程合約,以及其工程分包合約,將加入付款保障相關的合約條款。



Representatives of Development Bureau



Treasure Hunting in GEO Open Data

The Government has committed to open up data to facilitate technological research, innovation and the development of Hong Kong as a smart city.  The Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) of the Civil Engineering and Development Department has collected a voluminous data for the management of landslide risk in Hong Kong.  Many of the data are managed in geospatial format, which are particularly suitable for GIS and BIM applications.  The geospatial datasets include digital terrain model acquired by territory-wide airborne LiDAR surveys, the ground investigation records conducted in public projects, the comprehensive slope inventory etc.  The GEO adopts the Government open data policy and selected geospatial datasets are available for public download in GEO Open Data Store.  The webinar will introduce the types of open data that are available on the Data Store, as well as some practical examples of their usage.

Ir Sammy PY CHEUNG, Deputy Head of Geotechnical Engineering Office Civil Engineering and Development Department



Security of Payment Provisions in Public Works Contracts Briefing Session on Works Technical Circular

(Subcontractor Session 1)

(Chinese only)

發展局已發出工務技術通告(Technical Circular (Works) No. 6/2021),所有於2021年12月31日或以後邀請丙組或乙組認可公共工程承建商投標 或 於2022年4月1日或以後邀請甲組認可公共工程承建商或認可公共工程物料供應商及專門承造商投標的工務工程合約,以及其工程分包合約,將加入付款保障相關的合約條款。



Representatives of Development Bureau



Security of Payment Provisions in Public Works Contracts Briefing Session on Works Technical Circular

(Main Contractor Session)

(Chinese only)

發展局已發出工務技術通告(Technical Circular (Works) No. 6/2021),所有於2021年12月31日或以後邀請丙組或乙組認可公共工程承建商投標 或 於2022年4月1日或以後邀請甲組認可公共工程承建商或認可公共工程物料供應商及專門承造商投標的工務工程合約,以及其工程分包合約,將加入付款保障相關的合約條款。



Representatives of Development Bureau



CIC Sustainable Finance Certification Scheme Launching Ceremony

In support of the HKSAR Government's recent pledge to position Hong Kong as a leading sustainable finance hub in Asia and achieve carbon neutrality before 2050, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) launches the CIC Sustainable Finance Certification Scheme to provide a common framework and user-friendly assessment system to facilitate application of sustainable finance for the construction industry.

Come and join its Launching Ceremony on 5 November 2021, in which renowned speakers and financial leaders will share their experience on the sustainable finance opportunities in Hong Kong and Greater Bay Area.

Mr. CHAN Mo-po, Paul, Financial Secretary of HKSAR Government

Mr. WONG Wai-lun, Michael, Secretary for Development of HKSAR Government

Mr. FU Chin-shing, Ivan, Chairperson of Committee on Environment of CIC

Dr. MA Jun, Chairman and President of Hong Kong Green Finance Association



Webinar on Innovation and Technology Application on Smart Construction Sites 2 – Digital Twin

In CITAC’s exclusive webinar of Smart Construction Site Series, we are glad to have the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD’s) project team of the Tung Chung New Town Extension Project to share how the Digital Twin technology is adopted to enhance the management of their reclamation works project.  Through applications of internet of things sensors, Artificial Intelligence (AI) cameras and various smart devices together with wireless connection, constructions activities and construction records are digitised and integrated into an Intelligent Management Platform established in the InnoTCE.  With this Digital Twin, the project team can master the real-time information of the construction site and can make timely decision and response, which greatly enhance site safety standard and efficiency of site management.   Besides, our webinar will also cover the application of Digital Twin technology in other local construction sites.

Mr. YAN Chun-ho, Geotechnical Engineer, Sustainable Lantau Office of Civil Engineering and Development Department

Mr. Terence LUI, CEO, Varadise Limited



CIC Research Forum Webinar on Smart IoT Solutions for Construction

The CIC is organising this Research Forum Webinar (Webinar) for prominent researchers to share their latest research achievements, and practitioners to share their real-life applications of research outcomes. Through this Webinar, practitioners and researchers could exchange views on research needs and explore ways for more fruitful collaboration which could facilitate adoption of research products in construction practice. We are privileged to have Mr Ken HO from SmarTone, to share an integrated platform – SmartWorks, to enhance construction workers’ health, safety and operational efficiency, and Prof. Songye ZHU from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, to share his research about using smartphones as vibrations and noise monitoring devices.

Mr. Ken HO, Senior Sales Manager, SmarTone Mobile Communications Ltd.

Prof. Songye ZHU, Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University



Ways to Build Smarter - HA's New Initiatives

The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) is a strong advocate to new ideas, in particular towards the use of smart construction technologies to meet uprising challenges in the delivery of public housing. Smart construction equipped with digital technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the transformation from digitisation to digitalisation for process automation and better accessibility is apparently indispensable. HA strives on all fronts to take forward smart technologies to continuously enhance the quality, safety, productivity and environmental performance of public housing developments.  

This Power Talk will introduce the latest technologies and digitalisation process currently employed or under exploration by HA for application during different stages of public housing developments. Various innovative technologies as the enhanced use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) from planning to design and construction stage, implementation of Innovation and Technology (InT) for site safety and site management, as well as application of Construction Robotics, will be presented over the webinar.

Mr. LEUNG Kin-man, Stephen, Deputy Director (Development & Construction), Housing Department



Webinar on Innovation and Technology Application on Smart Construction Sites

The industry is now migrating into the era of Construction 2.0 where innovation is one of the key pillars to improving capability and enhancing performance. In CITAC’s exclusive interviews of Smart Construction Site Series, how the local construction sites could improve productivity, efficiency and enhance project delivery outcomes by innovative technology were discussed.

In this webinar, we are glad to have the Drainage Services Department (DSD’s) project team on The Expansion of Sha Tau Kok Sewage Treatment Works and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP’s) project team on Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC) to share with us their pilot project which embrace ‘Construction 2.0’. The DSD team will present the Digital Work Supervision System (DWSS) and IoT sensors for retrieved real-time data and monitoring underground water level and the AMC team will share their experience in using high level of modularisation of Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) works and IoT concrete sensors to achieve real-time concrete strength monitoring.

Ms. Carrie CHAN, Project Director of Project Development Division, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation

Mr. Vincent CHAN, Director, Build King Civil Engineering Limited



Webinar on BIM Talks: Celebration of BIM Achievement - BIM Projects 2020 Winners’ Sharing

The Construction Industry Council (CIC)'s goal of organising BIM Talks is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are related to the successful implementation of BIM in real life, and on a wide range of topics to accelerate BIM adoption. BIM experRegistrationts of different background from the industry will be invited to share their "how-to-BIM" experience in BIM Talks.


  • Welcome Address
  • BIM-AM deployment in EMSD Headquarters with Asset Digitalisation to foster Smart Building Development
  • Heritage Information Modelling of Peak Police Station
  • A glance of a state of the art project in HK – KTSP
  • Housing Authority BIM Standards and Guidelines
  • Three Runway System (3RS)

Ar. Ada FUNG, Chairperson, Committee on BIM, Construction Industry Council

Mr. Steve CHAN, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Senior Engineer/ Building Information Modelling

Mr. Paul LAU, SPSM/CP&ML, ArchSD

Mr. Ken MA, SPSM/SD32, ArchSD 

Mr. Billy WONG, Head of BIM, Hip Hing Construction Co., Ltd.

Mr. Joe LEE, Project BIM Manager, Hip Hing Construction Co., Ltd.     

Ms. Joanna TAN, Hong Kong Housing Authority, Architect/117

Mr. Guan TING, Senior Manager, BIM, TRD, Airport Authority Hong Kong

Mr. JaiHoon SIM, Senior Project Engineer, BIM, TRD, Airport Authority Hong Kong



Webinar on Introduction of the Guidelines on Safety Enhancement of and Notification Arrangement for Truss-out Bamboo Scaffolds

In September 2021, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) issued the Guidelines on Safety Enhancement of and Notification Arrangement for Truss-out Bamboo Scaffolds.

 CIC will organise an online briefing to introduce the guidelines, administration arrangements and procedures for the notification of erection of truss-out bamboo scaffolds.

Mr. Lawrence NG, Chairperson, Task Force on Truss-out Bamboo Scaffolds, Construction Industry Council 

Mr. Timmy SO, Bamboo Scaffolding Association of Hong Kong

Mr. Jonathan YAU, The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers 

Mr. LING Kin Chiu, Labour Department

Dr H.C. HO, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 

Mr. Steve HU, Occupational Safety And Health Council



Webinar on Integrity Requirements of Approved Contractors, Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Public Works

Integrity of contractors underpins the successful delivery of public works projects. As such, it has become one of the listing requirements for the Government’s approved contractors, suppliers of materials and specialist contractors since March 2021, which are now required to implement an integrity management system (IMS). This workshop aims to equip participants with knowledge of IMS and enable them to apply IMS in their business/work.

Ms. Maria LO, Chief Corruption Prevention Officer, ICAC



Construction Heritage and Preservation

Establishment of new construction landmarks is always the focus of fast-changing city development, however, construction heritage and preservation are also crucial for city growth.

In this episode of the CIC Power Talk, the speakers will share their views on current policies of monuments conservation and explore the sustainable development for construction heritage protection.

Mr. SO Cheung-tak, Douglas, Chairman of Antiquities Advisory Board

Mr. CHANG Chi-ho, Ivanhoe, Commissioner for Heritage, Development Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government

Mr. YUE Hon-man, Albert, Senior Architect (Antiquities & Monuments), Antiquities & Monuments Office, Development Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government 



Webinar on Common Data Environment (CDE) Solutions in the Hong Kong Construction Industry

Over the last couple of years, the Hong Kong Government and the construction industry have been earnestly promoting the adoption of BIM. There are many benefits in BIM adoption, such as visualisation and multi-disciplinary collaboration in construction processes. Common Data Environment (CDE) is a crucial tool for the adoption of BIM. 

You are invited to join our webinar, where the speakers will share their knowledge and experience in CDE, the latest development in CDE solutions, and how positive benefits can be realized.


  • Common Data Environment – beyond the 3D/BIM models
  • Benefits of CDE solutions to the Hong Kong Construction Industry
  • Way forward in CDE for the Hong Kong Construction Industry

Prof. Jack CHENG Chin-pang, Professor of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Mr. Sankar. S. VILLUPURAM, Associate Director (Digital Services) of Arup

Mr. Ron NG, Manager (Building Information Modelling) of Construction Industry Council



Webinar on Advancement in System Formwork in Construction

The Construction Industry Council (CIC) has been promoting construction practices which can make construction faster, safer and greener. The use of system formwork could lead to considerable productivity gains and improvements in site safety. In view of this, the CIC is organising a webinar on "Advancement in System Formwork in Construction" to drive wider adoption of system formwork in the construction industry.

We are delighted to have two local leading experts in the field, Mr Bono KWAN from OTRON Formwork (HK) Limited and Mr Joseph WANG from the Hong Kong Formwork Contractors Association, as our speaker. They will share their knowledge and insights in the application of advanced system formwork in construction.

In the webinar, Mr Jeff FUNG from the Hong Kong Productivity Council will also introduce a new concrete skip device, which aims to improve the efficiency of concreting and workers' health and safety.

Mr Jeff FUNG, Senior Consultant, Hong Kong Productivity Council

Mr Bono KWAN, Co-founder, OTRON Formwork (HK) Limited

Mr Joseph WANG, Chairman, Hong Kong Formwork Contractors Association



Women in Construction

Construction has traditionally been a male-dominated industry. Misconceptions about gender specific roles are gradually diminishing with a growing number of women choosing a career in construction in Hong Kong and worldwide. 

In this episode of the CIC Power Talk, we have invited three speakers who have made significant contribution and exerted a positive influence in our industry: Ar. Winnie HO, Director of Architectural Services, Ms. Alice PANG, Director of Drainage Services and Ms. Rosana WONG, Executive Director of Yau Lee Holdings Limited. They will share the challenges they have faced and the insights from their experience. 

A workplace with diversity is an asset to any industry. Facing the rapid development of the construction industry and an increase in training and job opportunities, the speakers will also give their views on the areas of work in which a women could particularly contribute well and make career progression.

Ar. Winnie HO, Director of Architectural Services

Ms. Alice PANG, JP, Director of Drainage Services

Ms. Rosana WONG, Executive Director of Yau Lee Holdings Limited

Ir Dr. Richard PANG, Director - Industry Development of Construction Industry Council (Moderator)



Webinar on BIM – Special Conditions of Contract for BIM & BIM Services Agreement Public Consultation Briefing

In response to the increasing demand from the industry, CIC had appointed LESK Solutions Co. Limited as the Consultant to prepare the CIC Special Conditions of Contract for BIM and BIM Services Agreement, to facilitate better implementation and adoption of BIM technologies in contract administration.

This webinar will introduce the background and objectives, methodology and the uses of these documents. The draft documents are now available in the CIC BIM Portal for public review and comment.

Ar. Ada FUNG, Chairperson of Committee on Building Information Modeling and Joint Task Force on BIM Specification & Agreement, CIC

Ar. SO Ching, Chairperson of Task Group 2 on Special Conditions of Contract for BIM & BIM Services Agreement, CIC

Sr Kenneth POON, Director, LESK Solutions



Webinar on BIM Talks: Celebration of BIM Achievement - BIM Projects 2020 Winners’ Sharing

The Construction Industry Council (CIC)'s goal of organising BIM Talks is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are related to the successful implementation of BIM in real life, and on a wide range of topics to accelerate BIM adoption. BIM experts of different background from the industry will be invited to share their "how-to-BIM" experience in BIM Talks.


  • Welcome Adress
  • The Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC), a full-cycle BIM application that supports Industry 4.0 and Construction 2.0 strategies
  • BIM Horizontal Harmonization for BIM/GIS Integration
  • Contract 3801 - APM and BHS Tunnels on Existing Airport Island

Ar. Ada FUNG, Chairperson, Committee on BIM, Construction Industry Council

Mr. Sammy LAI, Director, Gammon Construction Limited

Mr. Leo TSANG, BIM Manager, Gammon Construction Limited

Ms. Kaberlina HO, SE/10(N), NDO, CEDD

Ms. Can LEUNG, Technical Director - BIM, Innovative Solutions, AECOM

Ms. Helen CHAN, Senior BIM Engineer, China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited

Mr. Guan TING, Senior Manager, BIM, Airport Authority Hong Kong



MiC Workshop on Technical Aspects of Design

Authorised person (AP) and Registered Structural Engineer (RSE) play an important role on the structural design of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) projects. In order to work out a more efficient design in terms of time, cost and quality, what AP and RSE should be considered at the design stage, and what sort of information are required to be provided from the module suppliers? 

In this workshop, we will invite representatives from the Buildings Department to explain the In-principle Acceptance (IPA) framework and the workflow of Project Statutory Plan submissions in building and structural aspect. We will also invite representatives of Consultants, including Leigh & Orange and WSP, to share their project experience on IPA submission, technical design and lessons learnt from the completed MiC projects. 

Please join the online workshop to have a better understanding on the technical design aspect of MiC projects.

Ms TONG Fung-ling, Fiona, Technical Secretary/Building, Buildings Department

Ir AU Pui-ling, Fion, Technical Secretary/Structural, Buildings Department

Mr LAI Kung-ching, Philip, Technical Director, WSP

Mr LAI K. F., Melvyn, Director, Leigh & Orange Limited



The Application of Internet of Things (IoT) Technology on Construction Safety

Internet of Things (IoT) technology has been growing rapidly in recent years and the application of IoT technology on real-time site monitoring of construction site personnel and environment is currently a hot topic and trend, leading towards Construction 2.0 milestone.

In this webinar, Ir Prof. LAM Chi Hung, Louis, Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong will share ideas and real examples on of the impact of application of IoT technology and its impact in enhancing safety in the construction industry. Mr. CHAN Chun Fong, Vice President of Hong Kong Construction Sub-Contractors Association and Vice President, Hong Kong Formwork Contractors Association will also exchange ideas with Ir Prof. LAM on the application of IoT technology in the industry.

Ir Prof. LAM Chi-hung, Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong

Mr. CHAN Chun-fong, Vice President, Hong Kong Sub-Contractors Association and Vice President, Hong Kong Formwork Contractors Association



Construction Industry Volunteers' Sharing Session
on Community Network - Mental Health


CISVP is going to organise the 2nd Construction Industry Volunteers' Sharing Session on Community Network.

Representatives from construction industry volunteers, social service organisations, and professional sectors will be invited to be guest speakers to share with construction practitioners the social issues.

This time the main theme is mental health, we would like to increase public engagement in mental well-being, enhance public knowledge about mental health, and help people to live a wholesome and hopeful life.

Mr. HO Chung-wai, Tom, Acting Senior Clinical Psychologist (Health Promotion)1, Department of Health

Ms. Sally CHEUNG, Senior Manager (Mental Health and Development), Wellness Zone - Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness, Christian Family Service Centre

Ms. HON Mo-king, Joan, Chief Officer (Elderly Service), Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association Ming Yue District Elderly Community Centre

Mr. LAU Kwong-yip, Danny, Manager (Site Administration), Hip Hing Construction Co. Ltd. and Vibro (HK) Ltd.



MiC Workshop on Lifting, Logistics and Transport of Modules

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) is a distinctive offsite construction approach. Logistics for modules transportation from factory to site and arrangement of heavy lifting equipment on site are important and critical considerations in the delivery of all MiC projects.

In this MiC workshop, we have invited the representatives from Chu Kong Transhipment & Logistics Company Limited, Hong Kong Professional Hoisting Engineering Association (HKPHEA), Hong Kong Housing Society, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hong Kong Institute of Construction, Construction Industry Council to discuss the important topics on logistics and heavy lifting in MiC projects. 

Mr. Nicholas CHU, Project Manager, Chu Kong Transhipment & Logistics Company Limited

Mr. NG Kwok-ming, President, Hong Kong Professional Hoisting Engineering Association Limited

Prof. SHI Wenzhong, John, Director, Smart Cities Research Institute, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Ir Franco K. W. CHEUNG, Assistant Director (Project Management), Hong Kong Housing Society

Mr. Elton SO, Lecturer, Hong Kong Institute of Construction, Construction Industry Council



The Registered Specialist Trade Contractors Scheme

– Milestone and Foresight

Specialist contractors have been playing a vital role in the construction industry as they stand right at the forefront in assurance of construction safety, quality and productivity. Uplifting professional standard of specialist contractors is a common goal in the construction industry. 

In this webinar, Mr. CHAN Ka-kui, Chairman, Construction Industry Council, Ir CHAN Chi-chiu, Chairperson, Committee on Registered Specialist Trade Contractors Scheme, Ir HO Ying-kit, Tony, Principal Assistant Secretary (Works) 4, Development Bureau, Mr. CHAN Lok-chai, President, Registered Specialist Trade Contractors Federation, Sr LAM Kin-wing, Eddie, President, Hong Kong Construction Asociation, and Ir POON Lock-kee, Rocky, President, The Hong Kong Federation of Electrical and Mechanical Contractors will exchange ideas on the prospect and professional development of the Registered Specialist Trade Contractors Scheme (RSTCS). Ir HO Ying-kit, Tony will also elaborate the revision on the rules for administration of the “List of Approved Contractors for Public Works” and "List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Public Works".

Mr. CHAN Ka-kui, Chairman, Construction Industry Council

Ir CHAN Chi-chiu, Chairperson, Committee on Registered Specialist Trade Contractors Scheme

Ir HO Ying-kit, Tony, Principal Assistant Secretary (Works) 4,
Development Bureau

Mr. CHAN Lok-chai, President, Registered Specialist Trade Contractors Federation

Sr LAM Kin-wing, Eddie, President, Hong Kong Construction Association

Ir POON Lock-kee, Rocky, President, The Hong Kong Federation of Electrical and Mechanical Contractors



Webinar on BIM Talks: Celebration of BIM Achievement - BIM Projects 2020 Winners’ Sharing

The Construction Industry Council (CIC)'s goal of organising BIM Talks is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are related to the successful implementation of BIM in real life, and on a wide range of topics to accelerate BIM adoption. BIM experts of different background from the industry will be invited to share their "how-to-BIM" experience in BIM Talks.


  • Welcome Adress
  • BIM Adoption and Sustainable BIM FM Platform for Shanghai Street 618 Preservation and Revitalisation
  • Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns - Site Preparation and Access Tunnel Construction - From BIM to Integrated Project Delivery
  • BIM for Facilitating Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA) / MultiTrade integrated MEP (MiMEP) in Gammon Project
  • Neuron: How will the digital twin platform reshape smart buildings for the future?

Ar. Ada FUNG, Chairperson, Committee on BIM, Construction Industry Council

Mr. Anderson LEUNG, Director, Works & Contracts, Urban Renewal Authority

Mr. Thomson LAI, Asia Digital Leader, AECOM

Ir Simon LEUNG, Chief Resident Engineer, AECOM

Ir Owen LEE, Resident Engineer (Programme/BIM), AECOM

Ir Victor TSE, Construction Manager, Gammon E&M Limited

Mr. Stanley MOK, BIM Manager, Gammon E&M Limited

Mr. Mark CHEN, Associate, Arup



Webinar on Emerging Digital Communication Tools in Construction Sites

This webinar will examine how digital technologies can enhance communication in the construction industry. Neil Thompson, Head of Construction Innovation Hub Programme for the Centre for Digital Built Britain and Director of Digital at Atkins, will deliver a keynote speech on the modern methods of construction and digital transformation in the UK construction industry. Selected UK construction technology companies will also introduce their cutting-edge digital tools to our Hong Kong industry practitioners.

Mr. Neil THOMPSON, Head of Construction Innovation Hub Programme for the Centre for Digital Built Britain and Director of Digital at Atkins

Mr. Rhys LEWIS, Director at Revizto

Mr. James FRICKER, Managing Director at SenSat

Mr. Andrew NORRIE, Commercial Director at 3D Repo



Webinar on Site Safety Gathering -

Enhancing Site Safety by Behavioural Change

Unsafe behaviours are considered as one of the contributing factors in industrial accidents. Workers’ unsafe behaviours will expose them to hazards if they are not motivated to follow safe work procedures.

Mr. Paul VERRICO, Partner in the Eversheds Sutherland. Head of the Environment, Health and Safety Team for Asia Pacific

Ms. Alexis Olivia POWELL-HOWARD, Managing Director, Psychotherapist, Fortis Therapy and Training Academy

Mr. Tim MARSH, Honorary Professor, Plymouth University and Founder of Ryder Marsh Safety

Ms. Sarah VALENTINE, Environment, Health and Safety Team, Eversheds Sutherland

Ir Dr. Derrick PANG, Chairperson of the Committee on Construction Safety, CIC 

Mr. Rex WONG, Chairman of HSC Committee, HKCA/ Chairperson of Subcommittee on Safety Promotion, CIC

Mr. Tony LAM, Senior Manager – Construction Safety (Acting), CIC



Green Construction and Industrialised Construction in China

Guest speakers will share the current development of and challenges faced in green construction and construction industrialisation through DfMA in PRC and the future trend.

Dr. LIANG Hao, Head of Green Construction Development Section of Center of Science and Technology and Industrialisation Development, MOHURD, PRC

Mr. MA Zhencong, Deputy General Manager of Guangzhou Municipal Construction Group Co., Ltd.



DfMA & MiC from Prototype Demonstrations to Delivery at Scale

DfMA experts Mr Nick MILESTONE from Sigmat UK, Ms Aurélie CLERAUX from Bouygues Bâtiment International and Mr Michael CHEUNG from Dragages Hong Kong Ltd, will share their insights and challenges faced in adopting MiC and DfMA application, such as material selection and challenges of scaling capacity.

Mr. Nick MILESTONE, Engineering Director, Sigmat UK

Ms. Aurélie CLERAUX, Global Head of Modular Construction, Global Head of Innovation and Digital Transformation, Bouygues Bâtiment International

Mr. Michael CHEUNG, Senior Technical Manager, Dragages Hong Kong Ltd




CIC Outstanding Contractor Award 2021 - Briefing Session for Application


Contractors play an instrumental role in the delivery of housing, municipal facilities to world-class infrastructure projects and are the key pillar of the construction industry. CIC is organising the inaugural “CIC Outstanding Contractor Award”(OCA) in 2021 to recognise exceptional local contractors for their performances and contribution to the industry and the society.

This webinar will introduce the judging criteria and information on application of OCA to public.

Ir Rocky POON, Chairperson, Committee on Construction Business Development, Construction Industry Council



CIC Sustainable Construction Award Sharing Session

The Construction Industry Council (CIC) launches its second Sustainable Construction Award in 2020 to recognise sustainability best practices among organisations and practitioners, in particular the young generation of the construction industry. The award winners will showcase their advanced and innovative measures on sustainability during the sharing session.

Mr. Billy HSIE, Senior Manager, Projects, Airport Authority 

Mr. Michael WONG, Construction Manager, Sanfield-Gammon Construction JV Company Limited 

Mr. CHAN Kwan-yuen, Project Mechanic, Shui On Building Contractors Limited



Where Next for MTR Projects

As MTR embarks on a new cycle of railway extension projects, this webinar provides an excellent opportunity for you to gain an insight into the future railway project pipeline in Hong Kong.  It will cover project scope, features and programme, as well as the new ways of working MTR is planning to adopt in implementing the new projects, including NEC4, BIM, Deisgn for Manufacture & Assembly (DfMA), partnering and strong stakeholder engagement. Take this chance to understand expectations of the supply chain on MTR new projects and exchange ideas with Roger Bayliss, MTR Capital Works Director!

Mr. Roger BAYLISS, Capital Works Director of MTR Corporation Limited



CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 Briefing - Tips and FAQ

The CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 aims to recognise outstanding local projects and local organisations for their contribution in the promotion and adoption of digitalisation tools and workflows, and in bringing about innovation in these areas to improve productivity, quality, sustainability and safety, with measurable KPIs.The Award is divided into two categories, namely “Project” and “Organisation”. The “Organisation” category is further divided into six sub-categories, consisting of Client (Government, Public Client and Developer), Consultant, Contractor Category A, Contractor Category B, Training/ Research Institute and Start-up Company. Gold, silver, bronze awards and merit certificates are set up for Project category and each sub-category of the Organisation. The Award submissions are now open until 30 June 2021.

After attending the briefing, you will better understand and get prepared on the application of the Award, including:

  • Are you eligible to apply?

  • How to apply?

  • What are the judging criteria?

  • Tips on filling application form

  • FAQ

Ir Thomas TONG, General Manager – Innovation & Technology Development, Construction Industry Council;

Ir Dr. George WONG, Manager – Building Information Modelling, Construction Industry Council



BIM Adoption Survey 2020

The Construction Industry Council (CIC) has conducted a region-based BIM Adoption Survey in the year of 2020, with the aims to establish a fuller picture of the BIM adoption situation in the Hong Kong construction industry and a baseline for benchmarking BIM adoption.

This survey reached out to Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operation (AECO) organisations from 7 key stakeholder groups (including government departments; statutory bodies; real estate developers and asset owners; consultants specialised in design, engineering and surveying; BIM consultants; main contractors; and subcontractors). Responses from over 480 organisations were received.

In this webinar, the CIC will introduce the results of the survey. The CIC will also talk about the transition needs to be taken, and recommendations to address the hurdles and challenges faced by different stakeholders and to realise the benefits of BIM.

Ar. Ada FUNG, Chairperson, Committee on BIM, Construction Industry Council



Webinar for the North Lantau Hospital Hong Kong Infection Control Centre (HKICC)

To cope with the COVID -19, the Hong Kong Government has built the Infection Control Centre (HKICC) with 136 Negative Pressure Wards and 816 beds at AsiaWorld - Expo, which was completed in January 2021. This is the first Infection Control Centre built with MiC method in Hong Kong.  The project only took about 4 months which is much faster than a hospital built with traditional building method. In this webinar, we will invite representatives of the project team from Architectural Services Department and China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited to share the design concept and how the MiC technology was applied in this project.

Mr. Allen LEUNG, Project Director 4, Architectural Services Department

Mr. Ben YEUNG, Chief Technical Adviser/ Central Management Division 1,  Architectural Services Department

Mr. ZHANG Yi, Assistant President, China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited

Mr. Sunny AU, Project Director,              China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited



Sharing on the Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link Project

The Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link, one of the major infrastructure projects in Hong Kong, was opened to traffic in December 2020. The 9 km tunnel is the longest and deepest subsea road tunnel in Hong Kong. Due to the complexity of the project, the project team adopted innovative methods and techniques to overcome the challenges when constructing the tunnel. Speakers will share to us how they tackle the challenges in the Northern Connection project.

Ir Albert CHENG, Executive Director, Construction Industry Council

Ir Chris WONG, Principal Government Engineer/Special Tasks, Highways Department

Ir Wes JONES, Managing Director, Dragages Hong Kong Limited



Launching Ceremony of CIC Outstanding Contractor Award 2021

To encourage professionalism among contractors, CIC launches the inaugural Outstanding Contractor Award in 2021 to recognise main contractors and specialist contractors with exceptional performances. CIC will conduct the Launching Ceremony to introduce the Award details.

Ir LAM Sai-hung, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) of Development Bureau





Construction Training in Hong Kong - A New Chapter



The Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC) offers diversified programmes in construction training covering from youngsters to in-service professionals. The speaker would illustrate the key milestones achieved since 1975 in the ex-CITA era, the new elements in HKIC full-time programmes & School of Professional Development in Construction (SPDC) part-time courses and our uplifted campuses facilities. While the two graduates, one as the 46th WorldSkills Hong Kong Team Competitor and the other one as an apprentice of the Construction Industry Council Approved Technical Talents Training Programmes (CICATP), would share their journey and aspiration in the construction industry.

Ir Dr. Francis WONG, Director of Hong Kong Institute of Construction


Mr. WONG Chak-ho, Hong Kong Team Competitor of the 46th WorldSkills Competition in 2022 (Plumbing and Heating)


Mr. CHAN Chun-hei, Plastering Apprentice of Gammon Construction Limited



Building Hong Kong into a Smart City

Digitalisation is a key for Hong Kong's transformation into a world class smart city. Having regard to this opportunity ahead, how can SME and construction industry practitioners take the chance of digitalisation and move forward?

We are happy to have Mr. Tony WONG, Deputy Government Chief Information Officer from the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, to share with us insights on building Hong Kong into a Smart City and tips for embracing the challenges.

Mr. Tony WONG, Deputy Government Chief Information Officer, Office of the Government Chief Information Officer



International Symposium on Unlocking Innovation in Construction through 5G Technology

Co-organised by Construction Industry Council (CIC) and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP), the Symposium will focus on “Digitalisation and Automation supported by 5G Technology”, bringing together local and international professional and experts to exchange views on transforming the construction industry.

Mr. Shawn SHAO,Chief Architect, Wireless - Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, China

Mr. Yan SONG,Vice President - Guangdong Bright Dream Robotics Co., Ltd, China

Ir Derek SO, Executive Director - Hip Hing Construction Co., Ltd, Hong Kong



Sustainable Construction 


Sustainable Profitability

Since 2016, Hong Kong listed companies are required to comply with the "Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting Guidelines". ESG advocates incorporating environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance into corporate management. To complement the past practice of mainly focusing the financial performance, ESG focuses on the corporates’ long-term sustainable economic, social and environmental development with ultimate goal to achieve a win-win situation. Considering ESG in corporate, how can we strike a balance between sustainable construction and sustainable profitability?

Mr. Joseph LAW, Senior Director – Planning & Development of CLP Power Hong Kong Limited

Mr. Bill HO, General Manager (Corporate Development) of The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd.

Mr. Victor C L KWONG, General Manager - Corporate Sustainability of The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited

Ms. Grace KWOK,  Chairman and Executive Director, Allied Sustainability and Environmental Consultants Group Limited



SciTech Challenge 2020 Award Winners Sharing

Co-organised by CIC and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation. SciTech Challenge is an open competition for innovators to pitch their products and solutions to industry industrial end users. The theme is Sensory Technology for Construction this year. After a series of training, workshops and mentorship in these months, awardees will share their products, experiences and feelings about this competition.

Open group Champion: Node THL

Student group Champion: HeightSecure Technologies



Role of URA on Building Rehabilitation

The presentation will show the role of URA on building rehabilitation in the past, present, and in future.

Mr. Peter WONG, General Manager, Building Rehabilitation of URA



Accommodating a Co-creation Community in InnoCell - Technology Breakthrough with MiC

Projected to open at the end of 2020, InnoCell is a smart living and co-creation residence to spark collaboration within the Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks. The 17-storey high complex is built using Modular Integrated Construction, an innovative solution recognised for improving construction productivity, building quality, safety and sustainability.

Ir Felix TANG, Project Director of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation

Ms. Ivy LEE, Managing Director of Leigh & Orange Limited



CIC Sustainable Construction Award Conference and Presentation Ceremony

The CIC launches its second Sustainable Construction Award this year to recognise sustainability best practices among organisations and practitioners, in particular the young generation of the construction industry. Throughout this signature event, it is expected that renowned speakers and construction leaders will share the green finance opportunities and new era of sustainable construction in HK and GBA.

Mr. Michael WONG Wai-lun, Secretary for Development, Development Bureau

Mr. Ivan FU, Chairperson, Committee on Environment, CIC

Mr. Paul CHONG, Chairperson, ZCB Management Board

Prof. LAM Kwan-sing, Chairperson, Award Judging Panel for Organisations Category

Mr. CHEUNG Hau-wai, Chairperson, Award Judging Panel for Industry Practitioners Category

Mr. Wilkie LEE, Executive Director, Kerry Properties (H.K.) Limited

Mr. Tony WONG, Director, Gammon Construction Limited




Review of Life First - Innovation on Construction Safety

The CIC launched the “Life First” Campaign in August 2020,  which was an industry-wide construction safety campaign, gathering efforts from all stakeholders with an aim to enhance safety awareness among the construction industry and raise safety standards on sites.

Following this Campaign, the CIC continues to promote initiatives and measures and work closely with industry stakeholders for enhancing awareness of safety in the construction industry. To this end, we invite stakeholders to share thoughts on collaboration and adoption of innovative solutions to improve site safety.

Ir Dr. Derrick PANG, Chairperson of Committee on Construction Safety

Mr. Rex WONG, Chairman of Health & Safety Committee, Hong Kong Construction Association

Ir Dr. Conrad WONG, Vice Chairman,
Yau Lee Holdings Limited



How's Life with 5G

In this talk, we are happy to have Mr. Daniel LEUNG, the Head of Business Markets at SmarTone Telecommunications Holdings Limited, to share with us his vision on the potential for 5G in construction industry.

Talk highlights:
- What is 5G?
- 5G Applications in the Real World
- Exploring 5G applications in Construction Industry

Mr. CHAN Ka-kui, Chairman of CIC

Mr. Daniel LEUNG, Head of Business Markets, SmarTone


Last Updated: 2025-02-26 12:13:57