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About the Scheme

The Construction Industry Council (CIC), in collaboration with the Buildings Department, established the Technically Competent Persons Registration Scheme (TCPRS) which aims to facilitate the appointment and administration of Technically Competent Persons (TCPs) and Competent Person (Logging).  The TCPRS builds a pool of TCPs and Competent Person (Logging) readily accepted by the Building Authority for the purposes of the Code of Practice for Site Supervision 2009 and the Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123).  The TCPRS runs parallel to the current practices of provision of curriculum vitae of TCPs and Competent Person (Logging) upon submission of supervision plans for individual projects.

Eligible applicants shall submit their application via TCPRS Portal and TCPRS App. A list of TCPs registered under the TCPRS (TCP List), available at the CIC website, was established for a member of the public to access and ascertain a person’s registration by searching his/her particulars from the TCP List.


  1. Facilitate submission of supervision plans under the Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123)
  2. Gauge supply of TCPs
  3. Through continuous training, enhance the quality, skills and knowledge of the TCPs and Competent Person (Logging)

Management Committee on Technically Competent Persons Registration Scheme

The CIC established the Management Committee on TCPRS to steer the direction of TCPRS.

Membership List

Chairperson - Ar. Clarence LEUNG Wai-kin


Ir Simon CHAN Yun-kan

Mr. Chris LEE Kai-yuen

Two Representatives from the Buildings Department

Representative from the Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering and Development Department 

Terms of Reference

  1. To steer the implementation of the TCPRS;
  2. To review the efficacy of the TCPRS in uplifting the quality of site supervision personnel; 
  3. To review the appeal and / or complaint case(s) under the TCPRS; and
  4. To consider the industry feedback and any other related matters to facilitate the industry for a wider adoption of the TCPRS.

Last Updated: 2025-02-24 11:07:53