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The Continuous Competence Development (CCD) model aims to enhance the quality, skills and knowledge of the Technically Competent Persons (TCPs) and Competent Person (Logging) through continuous training. The CCD model comprises three core pillars as follows:

CCD Model 2 (for CC's approval).png

Pillar Learning Outcome Minimum hours
Statutory Requirements To refresh and keep updated of the requirements of Buildings Ordinance (Cap.123) and other relevant legislation 4
Advanced Construction Practices To equip with knowhow on digitised supervision system and advanced construction technologies 6
Environment, Health and Safety To obtain knowledge on engineering safety and routine safety as well as best practice on environment and health 10

A variety of learning activities such as webinars, seminars/conferences, workshops and technology exhibitions held by trade associations, professional institutions, Government departments and non-governmental organisations are recognised.  Attendance certificates are required.  

Each registered TCP or Competent Person (Logging) is encouraged to complete the CCD for each 5-year term of registration with a minimum of 2-hour study annually on a voluntary basis. 

Registered TCPs and Competent Person (Logging) holding valid membership of professional institutes are exempted from the CCD requirement as this model recognises the continuous professional development required by the professional institutes. 

TCPs and Competent Person (Logging) may input their CCD records via TCPRS Portal and mobile App for easy retrieval.

App Icon.png

Last Updated: 2022-01-28 20:23:04