The COVID-19 epidemic continues its rampage. The Construction Industry Council (CIC) and the Hong Kong Construction Association (HKCA) strongly urge the construction industry to fully implement compulsory testing measures, which require all site staff to present negative COVID-19 test result issued within the past 14 days when entering construction sites for work. With the support from the Development Bureau of the HKSAR Government, the CIC and the HKCA urge all construction sites in Hong Kong that the aforementioned measures shall be launched from 16 February and in full implementation starting from 22 February.
The Food and Health Bureau announced on 29 March that vaccine recipients should have developed immunity after receiving two doses of vaccines, plus an interval of 14 days after the second dose, hence, they have fulfilled the requirement for regular COVID-19 testing. The aforementioned implementation is now adopted in the construction industry, which means site staff would have met the requirement of regular testing arrangement at sites after 14 days of having received the second dose of vaccine*. The vaccination record will replace the negative test result when entering construction sites for work.
Site staff may obtain their electronic testing record through the “COVID-19 Electronic Vaccination and Testing Record System” to facilitate onsite checking.
The CIC, the HKCA and the HKSAR Government will jointly conduct regular inspections to ensure that all site staff receive negative test result, and will review the measures and make adjustments as appropriate.
The CIC and the HKCA hope the industry fight the virus together and encourage workers and other resident site personnel to join the vaccination programme to better protect themselves while saving time and resources needed for regular testing for every 14 days. The CIC and the HKCA advise that those who have not administered vaccine should undergo testing promptly. Thorough cleaning and disinfection of construction sites should be conducted and precautionary measures should be adopted to maintain workplace hygiene.
Meanwhile, the CIC and its Hong Kong Institute of Construction and Hong Kong Construction Industry Trade Testing Centre request all staff, full-time students, trade test candidates and staff of out-source contractors to present negative test result when entering the buildings starting from 16 February and in full implementation on 22 February.
In response to the COVID-19, the CIC has joined hands with the industry to launch the “Construction Industry Caring Campaign - Fight against Novel Coronavirus” to provide monetary assistance and caring support for the registered construction workers who receive a compulsory quarantine or are confirmed as infected with COVID-19, and hope for the active support of different sectors of the community.
Hotline: 2100 9000
COVID-19 Vaccination Programme:
Hospital Authority’s Distribution and Collection Points of Deep Throat Saliva Specimen Packs:
Mobile Specimen Collection Stations in Various Districts:
Community Testing Centre Booking System:
Local COVID-19 Nucleic Acid Testing Institutions Recognised by the Hong Kong SAR Government:
COVID-19 Electronic Vaccination and Testing Record System:
Construction Industry Caring Campaign - Fight against Novel Coronavirus:
Last Updated: 2022-01-19 11:25:33