Contractor Cooperative Training Scheme (CCTS) is a "First-hire-then-train" scheme. An applicant is employed by contractor or subcontractor and then received the on-site training which is provided by the employer. Eligible persons can be given training subsidy and go through assessment for skill level. During the training period, trainee is employed by the employer, the employer will pay according to the market rate of the salary and the salary includes the training subsidy subsidized by CIC. The subsidy amount of each trade is different. Both of salary and subsidy will be paid by the employers. All the allowance and salary are calculated based on the attendance and 25 days per month.
Applicant will receive $6,750 allowance per month and a lump sum bonus allowance upon completion of the whole training period and passed relevant assessment for the above trades with *. Others will receive $4,250 allowance per month with no bonus allowance. All the allowance is calculated based on the attendance and 25 days per month.
The on-site training will be provided to the applicant by the contractor. The training duration of each trade is about 1 to 6 months, it is subjected to the training content of each trade.
Contractors may have other requirements.
Enquiry: 2100 9000
Last Updated: 2019-10-17 15:42:58